A new lease on life for medical imaging systems
How refurbished medical systems can conserve resources, provide access to diagnostic imaging, and contribute to better patient care.
Locked within every manufactured product are not only the innovative spirit of its developers but also valuable resources, raw materials, and work. That is why it is so important to keep products for as long as possible – and medical systems are no exception. Yet, technological and medical progress – especially in combination – sometimes require customers to invest in new equipment in order to face the growing challenges of daily hospital routine. But this certainly does not have to mean the end of life for used devices. Under certain conditions, Siemens Healthineers will buy them back, breathe new life into them, and return them to the market at a lower price. This is not only good for our resources but also offers access to affordable high-quality systems in less wealthy regions.

- Based on internal calculations. The calculation of CO2 savings only considers the manufacturing and remanufacturing phase.
- The statements by Siemens Healthineers customers described herein are based on results that were achieved in the customer’s unique setting. Since there is no “typical” hospital and many variables exist (e.g., hospital size, case mix, level of IT adoption) there can be no guarantee that other customers will achieve the same results.