Siemens Healthineers – Shape 23 press conference

With the Siemens Healthineers Shape 23 Keynote on November 14, the company brings together some of the top opinion leaders in the global healthcare sector and presents new innovations. It is followed by a press conference on November 15, starting at 11 a.m. CET, where we will show the innovations of our imaging division and answer your questions.

Published on November 15, 2022
<p><strong>Magnetic Resonance Imaging | November 15, 11:00–12:00 a.m. CET</strong></p><ul><li>Arthur Kaindl, Executive Vice President Magnetic Resonance, Siemens Healthineers</li><li>Georgina Prodhan, Head of Media Relations, Siemens Healthineers</li></ul><p>Please contact <a href=""></a> for the link to the press conference.</p>
<p><em>Erlangen, Germany&nbsp;</em>| 15.11.2022</p><ul><li><strong>7 Tesla (T) Magnetom Terra.X<sup>1</sup> will offer excellent imaging of even the smallest structures</strong></li><li><strong>3T Magnetom Cima.X<sup>2</sup> more than doubles the gradient amplitude<sup>3</sup>&nbsp;</strong></li><li><strong>AI algorithms which can reduce scanning times by up to 50%<sup>4</sup> now available in this high-end segment&nbsp;</strong></li></ul><p><sup>1 Magnetom Terra.X is under development and is not commercially available. Future availability cannot be guaranteed.<br>2 Magnetom Cima.X is under development and is not commercially available. Future availability cannot be guaranteed.<br>3 Compared to other systems from Siemens Healthineers.<br>4 Based on data acquired on Magnetom Cima.X. Data on file.</sup></p>