A World Health Summit in the context of a truly global pandemic
The current crisis has demonstrated that international cooperation is more important than ever. We need a common understanding and global approaches to dealing with COVID-19 and subsequent pandemics. I am delighted to be taking part in this year's digital World Health Summit to discuss one of today’s most urgent topics: pandemic preparedness.
Bernd Montag
CEO of Siemens Healthineers
Improving efficiency and effectiveness is most important in a critical situation like the COVID-19 pandemic when we all experienced shortages in our medical resources. Improving healthcare can become more agile, accessible and cost efficient by new concepts of delivery, using data efficiently and adopting processes used in other areas as well as close cooperation of all stakeholders: patients, healthcare providers, politics and industry. However necessary boundaries to ensure quality and protect individual rights have to be explored and observed.
Dagmar Mundani
General Counsel and Head of Healthcare Legal, Compliance and ECC, Siemens Healthineers
X-ray imaging for COVID-19 patients
The COVID-19 pandemic is a vivid example of how important access to care is for people all over the world. The requirements for virtual delivery of healthcare are increasing and we are expanding our digital portfolio also to bring accessible and affordable innovations to emerging and underserved countries.
Bernd Ohnesorge
President Europe, Middle East & Africa, Siemens Healthineers
In the current crisis, we are witnessing the enormous advantages of digital solutions in tackling COVID-19. The pandemic provides a real push for digitalization. However, the rapid rise of digitalization also prompts debates about data protection, privacy, and ownership. This requires us to establish a common understanding of health data governance.
Bernd Montag
CEO of Siemens Healthineers
Corum, Jonathan: Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker, in: https://www.nytimes.com/#publisher, 16.10.2020, [online] https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/science/coronavirus-vaccine-tracker.html [19.10.2020].
https://www.who.int/news/item/13-12-2017-world-bank-and-who-half-the-world-lacks-access-to-essential-health-services-100-million-still-pushed-into-extreme-poverty-because-of-health-expenses [19.10.2020]