Press release

Siemens Healthineers markets new Somatom X.cite CT scanner with revolutionary user guidance system

Published on November 22, 2019
<ul><li><b>myExam Companion, a revolutionary intelligent user guidance system, automatically adapts scanner protocols in line with patient data<br></b></li><li><b>Somatom X.cite improves patient comfort with an 82 cm gantry and innovative system design<br></b></li><li><b>Somatom X.cite and myExam Companion have been clinically approved and will be available from December 2019</b></li></ul><p>Siemens Healthineers presents its new Somatom X.cite single-source CT scanner, together with the totally new myExam Companion user guiding system, based on artificial intelligence (AI). The revolutionary, intelligent user guidance system guides the user through the workflow using specific questions. This intuitive user interface, and the latest scanner hardware all work together to open up new possibilities. myExam Companion makes use of available patient data, such as sex, height, and age, and combines these with additional patient-specific information gathered by asking the user specific questions, for example about the presence of metal implants or the ability of patients to hold their breath. The scanner then optimizes the scan parameters accordingly to ensure the best possible result. In combination, these innovations help structure workflow more efficiently, smooth out differences in experience between the MTRAs, and achieve extremely high-quality results even in difficult diagnostic situations. The first CT scanner with myExam Companion is the new Somatom X.cite, featuring the Vectron x-ray tube that has previously only been used in the Somatom Force dual-source CT scanner. In combination with its 82 cm gantry, Somatom X.cite can offer unprecedented image quality in the single-source segment, in addition to maximum patient comfort.</p><p>“We have been testing Somatom X.cite with the new software platform for the past two months with successful results. We were impressed by both the excellent images and the way the new user guidance system made the workflows faster. The large gantry facilitates the examination of seriously ill patients”, comments Professor Christoph Stippich, Chairman and director, Department of Neuroradiology, University Hospital Zurich.</p><p>"We are driving the digital transformation of radiology through constant innovation of our devices. At the same time, we offer - for example through remote solutions - more and more ways for our partners to create high-quality diagnostics. Somatom X.cite and myExam Companion are a big step for our imaging portfolio along this plan into the world of intelligent user support and for Siemens Healthineers on our way to becoming a leader in clinical decision support ", says André Hartung, President Diagnostic Imaging at Siemens Healthineers.</p><p><b>myExam Companion</b><br>The new intelligent user guidance system lets users utilize the full potential not only of the new Somatom X.-, but also of the Somatom go. scanner platform, which is already being used successfully on the market. It’s now also possible to share established examination protocols between scanners quickly and without complications. Using AI, Siemens Healthineers has analyzed thousands of scanning processes and identified key questions about the general conditions for achieving optimized scanning results. This led to the development of decision trees that ask the users relevant questions at each stage, thus guiding them through the scan preparations without complications. Workflows and their results are also more standardized, since this makes it possible to reduce deviations at a patient and user level. “The decision trees found in almost every hospital, which have often previously been sketched on paper at an individual department level and define particular scanning parameters for different cases, are now directly integrated in the scanner software – in other words, exactly where they’re needed,” comments Professor Hatem Alkadhi, Consultant Radiologist at University Hospital Zurich.</p><p><b>Somatom X.cite</b><br>The very large 82 cm gantry and its pleasant lighting offer a high level of comfort for the patients. The MTRAs can prepare and perform the scan using removable tablets that are attached to the scanner using magnets. That means they can remain alongside the patients until immediately before the scan and ensure they are better prepared. While the scan is in progress, the patients are instructed not only via the speaker on how to breathe, but also visually, using an easy-to-follow display. They thus get audiovisual support during the scan. MTRAs keep their patients in view via a 2D camera integrated in the housing of the gantry. This all helps the patients’ sense of well-being and enables them to cooperate as much as possible during the scan. An optional 3D camera gathers additional information on the patients’ anatomy and automatically positions them in the isocenter.</p><p>“Staff shortages, insufficient time, the development of standards for high quality diagnostics and decision support, and patient well-being are the major challenges in the day-to-day business of radiology,” says Dr. Philipp Fischer, Head of Computed Tomography at Siemens Healthineers. “With Somatom X.cite and myExam Companion, we’re equipping our customers with unique tools to effectively overcome these hurdles.” The high-end Vectron-x-ray tube and the Stellar Infinity Detector form a combination of technologies for clinical imaging that is unique in this segment. The image data thus generated is very well suited for processing using artificial intelligence, for example with the AI-Rad Companion Chest-CT from Siemens Healthineers. The tube voltage can be set between 70 kV to 150 kV in 10 kV increments, which enables even more individual adaptation to the patient’s anatomy.<br>In early November, Somatom X.cite obtained FDA 510(k) clearance and will be commercially available from December 2019.<br><br></p><p><a href="/press/media-gallery" data-ste-link-id="3180010463.xt-image-100000a005810583:1580235022./press/media-gallery:1908695386" class="">Link to the press pictures</a><br></p><p>Link to the related press feature</p>

Siemens Healthineers 2021 DE

Siemens Healthineers AG (gelistet in Frankfurt a.M. unter SHL) hat den Anspruch, das Gesundheitswesen der Zukunft zu gestalten. Als eines der führenden Unternehmen der Medizintechnik mit Hauptsitz in Erlangen unterstützt es mittels seiner Regionalgesellschaften Gesundheitsversorger weltweit dabei, auf ihrem Weg hin zu dem Ausbau der Präzisionsmedizin, der Neugestaltung der Gesundheitsversorgung, der Verbesserung der Patientenerfahrung und der Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesens mehr zu erreichen. Siemens Healthineers entwickelt sein Produkt- und Dienstleistungsportfolio kontinuierlich weiter, mit KI-gestützten Anwendungen und digitalen Angeboten, die in der nächsten Generation der Medizintechnik eine immer wichtigere Rolle spielen. Diese neuen Anwendungen werden das Unternehmen in der In-vitro-Diagnostik, der bildgestützten Therapie, der In-vivo-Diagnostik und der innovativen Krebsbehandlung weiter stärken. Siemens Healthineers bietet auch eine Reihe von Dienstleistungen und Lösungen an, um die Fähigkeit der Gesundheitsdienstleister zu verbessern, Patienten eine qualitativ hochwertige und effiziente Versorgung zu bieten. Im Geschäftsjahr 2020, das am 30. September 2020 endete, erzielte Siemens Healthineers ein Umsatzvolumen von 14,5 Milliarden Euro und ein bereinigtes EBIT von 2,2 Milliarden Euro. Nach der Übernahme von Varian Medical Systems, Inc. hat das Unternehmen weltweit rund 66.000 Beschäftigte. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter