Press release

Siemens Healthineers starts new fiscal year with strong growth – outlook confirmed

Published on February 4, 2020
<p>Siemens Healthineers AG today announced its results for the first quarter of fiscal year 2020 that ended December 31, 2019.</p><p><b>Q1 Fiscal Year 2020</b></p><ul><li>Comparable revenue growth of 5.5% – strong performance in Imaging with 6.7% growth and very strong in Advanced Thera-pies with 9.5% increase</li><li>Equipment book-to-bill of 1.2, the seventh consecutive quarter with book-to-bill &gt;1</li><li>Adjusted EBIT margin of 13.5% down on previous year, negatively impacted by temporary dip in Imaging and the margin de-velopment as guided in Diagnostics</li><li>Adjusted basic earnings per share at €0.35</li><li>Free cash flow of €244 million significantly above prior year</li><li>Outlook for fiscal year 2020 confirmed</li></ul><p><b>Bernd Montag, CEO of Siemens Healthineers AG:</b><br> <i>»We started the new fiscal year and the Upgrading phase of our Strategy 2025 with a growth-intensive first quarter. Profitability was held back by temporary effects. Recent major order wins underline the fact that we are more than ever before the preferred partner for efficient and high-quality healthcare. Against the background of our very strong order situation, we are confident for the further development of the current fiscal year.« </i></p><p><a href="/8f2a2a6f7f92edb5" class="">Link to the related press feature</a></p>

Siemens Healthineers 2020

Siemens Healthineers AG (listed in Frankfurt, Germany: SHL) is shaping the future of Healthcare. As a leading medical technology company headquartered in Erlangen, Germany, Siemens Healthineers enables healthcare providers worldwide through its regional companies to increase value by empowering them on their journey towards expanding precision medicine, transforming care delivery, improving the patient experience, and digitalising healthcare. Siemens Healthineers is continuously developing its product and service portfolio, with AI-supported applications and digital offerings that play an increasingly important role in the next generation of medical technology. These new applications will enhance the company’s foundation in in-vitro diagnostics, image-guided therapy, and in-vivo diagnostics. Siemens Healthineers also provides a range of services and solutions to enhance healthcare providers’ ability to provide high-quality, efficient care to patients. In fiscal 2020, which ended on September 30, 2020, Siemens Healthineers, which has approximately 54,000 employees worldwide, generated revenue of €14.5 billion and adjusted EBIT of €2.2 billion.