The power of connection
A century ago, the British novelist E.M. Forster distilled his vision of a moral life into two simple words he used as the epigraph for his masterful novel Howards End: “Only connect.”

Weak transitional care practices between hospitals and SNFs [skilled nursing facilities] compromise quality and safety outcomes for this population.
Health IT Infrastructure, “Hospitals and nursing facilities lack health data sharing infrastructure.”

Data is balkanized along organizational boundaries, severely constraining the ability to provide services to patients across a care continuum within one organization or across organizations.
Panch, Mattie, Celi, The 'inconvenient truth' about AI in healthcare.

Discover more here
Last accessed Nov. 9th, 2020
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Syngo Carbon consists of several products which are (medical) devices in their own right. Some products are under development and not commercially available. Future availability cannot be ensured.