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Can YOU diagnose a heart attack in minutes?

Join our First Movers Club for Healthcare professionals to learn more

Atellica VTLi enables you to measure High Sensitivity Troponin-I on the spot. A fast result in just 8 minutes will aid in earlier disposition of chest pain patients not having a MI and fast interventions for those who are.

Join our First Movers Club if you are eager to make a difference and to learn more. You will then be the first to receive invitations to webinars, get information about scientific publications, case studies and more related to the topic of cardiac markers at the point of care.

Reliable results in minutes at the point of care

picture of EMS (emergency medical services) technician wheeling patient out of ambulance into the hospital emergency room

20% of ED visits are preventable, of which half are cardiovascular disease.

“We face an increasing phenomenon of crowding in emergency departments. Acute care of patients with preventable conditions is competing with real emergencies like stroke and myocardial infarction.”

Prof. Martin Möckel, medical director of Emergency Medical Services at Charité – University Medicine Berlin, Germany

picture of nurse or technician obtaining a fingerstick blood sample from patient

Optimizing time and resources when every second counts for the patient

“With the Atellica VTLi system, we’re able to improve the patient pathway by combining rapid results with a process redesigned with the use of an ambulatory care area. We can use space more efficiently, and more importantly, we're going to get them out of hospital faster.”

Dr. Paul Collinson, St George's Hospital, London, UK

picture of nurse or technician reading troponin results on Siemens Healthineers Atellica VTLi

Accurate high-sensitivity troponin results in 8 minutes

When a patient enters the emergency department presenting with the symptoms of a myocardial infarction (MI), every moment is critical.

Achieving favorable clinical and operational outcomes requires fast and accurate chest pain assessment at the point of care, as well as coordination with the laboratory for quality assurance.

A vital leap forward in cardiac testing

The Atellica® VTLi Patient-side Immunoassay Analyzer will transform your chest pain assessment process to benefit patients, clinicians, and your operational workflow.