X-rays in Neurology

Clinical image of a stroke.
Courtesy of Department of Neuroradiology, Inselspital Bern, Switzerland

In the early days of radiology, images of the brain were among the greatest challenges. Today, interventional radiologists remove blood clots from brain vessels. For the future, scientists are working to employ X-rays to better understand neurodegenerative diseases. Read how neuroradiology developed over the past 125 years.

dendrite imaging

Scientists at the University of Göttingen have developed a special type of X-ray imaging that offers unprecedented insights into the fine structure of nerve cells. In an interview on location, the researchers explain how the virtual study of brain tissue could lead to a better understanding of neurodegenerative diseases and to new diagnostic applications.

stroke thrombectomy

Advancements in catheter therapy have in recent years turned stroke care upside down. Interventional specialists can often save patients with even the most severe strokes – provided the patients arrive at the hospital on time.

Stories X-Ray Technologies Our Brain
Source: Max Cohn, Atlas der Röntgenstereoskopie, 1931

Up to the 1970ies, patients had to undergo a procedure known as pneumoencephalography for images of the brain: Cerebrospinal fluid was extracted via the lumbar spine and replaced with air, gas, or iodized oil. The subsequent X-ray image showed a relatively clear distinction between the air and the brain tissue. Read how neuroradiology has developed over the past 125 years.

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