December 7, 2012 | High-tech equipment and syngo imaging IT solutions from Siemens helped Medanta – The Medicity in suburban Delhi, India, offer effective and accessible healthcare and quickly win patients’ confidence.

Medanta – the Medicity, started by renowned cardiovascular and cardiac surgeon Naresh Trehan, MD, is a multispecialty hospital situated in Gurgaon, a suburb of Delhi, India. This 30-month old hospital has already earned a name for itself in India with its focus on offering world-class healthcare at affordable prices. According to Trehan, he adopted a two-pronged strategy to meet Medanta’s objective of offering affordable, quality healthcare: He hired the best doctors in the country and went for the latest technology.
Medanta boasts of latest Siemens equipment, such as a SOMATOM® Definition Flash computed tomography (CT) system, an Artis® zeego hybrid room, a MAGNETOM® Verio 3 Tesla magnetic resonance system, and a Biograph® mCT PET•CT system. It also deploys the imaging IT trio of syngo.via1, syngo.plaza, and syngo Dynamics. These imaging solutions help speed up the process of diagnosis, enabling speedier and effective treatment.
While the first stage is the acquisition of images through various source-type systems, the second stage is the transportation of these images. Earlier, transporting images took a lot of time. “Doctors would listen to reports over the phone and often perform surgeries without seeing the images. This led to inaccuracies,” says Trehan, Chairman and Managing Director of Medanta.
The imaging IT trio of syngo has addressed these challenges by making images from multiple modalities available at the point of care. “The syngo imaging IT solutions help us diagnose, prognosticate, and then plan the treatment for all kinds of diseases,” says Dr. Praveen Chandra, Chairman, Division of Interventional Cardiology.

“Real-time transport of images is a great bonus,” says Trehan. With instant availability of images, clinicians can discuss the disease with patients and their family. “Ready access to images makes decision-making a lot faster,” says Chandra.
“The syngo imaging IT solutions help give us the competitive edge over other hospitals in the region,” says Chandra. Faster diagnosis and treatment have led to higher throughput, making Medanta one of the busiest hospitals in and around Delhi. With higher throughput, Medanta is also able to spread its costs over a larger patient base.