In breast care, discomfort or pain often cause women to avoid potentially life-saving mammography exams. Women with dense breast tissue in particular are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer. There is also a higher likelihood of a tumor remaining undetected due to dense breast tissue. Breast density is therefore a critical parameter in diagnosing breast cancer. With our new mammography system, MAMMOMAT Revelation1, we are addressing patient concerns and challenges in breast care and enabling providers to expand precision medicine, improve clinical operations, and increase patient satisfaction.

Seeing the difference can make the difference for a patient
With the large scan angle of the unique 50° HD Breast Tomosynthesis, it is now possible to detect even the smallest lesions that are no longer hidden by the overlying breast tissue. This improves diagnostic accuracy. A large scan angle enables such high depth resolution and provides excellent quality 3D images. Moreover, radiologists can now also perform biopsies with HD Breast Biopsy solutions that allow targeting of suspicious areas with one click delivering accuracy of within +/- 1 mm.
Once the tissue sample has been taken, an X-ray is required to confirm that the biopsy was successful. With current settings, samples have to be imaged on a second system or a dedicated specimen scanner, usually in a different room. For this entire time, the patient’s breast remains compressed – causing discomfort or even pain. MAMMOMAT Revelation1 improves the biopsy workflow and shortens the compression time for the patient. With its integrated specimen imaging tool, InSpect, biopsy samples can be checked directly at the system within 20 seconds without radiation exposure to the patient.
Automated measurement of breast tissue density
Women with dense breast tissue are at higher risk of developing breast cancer. There is also a higher likelihood that a tumor remains undetected due to dense breast tissue. Breast density is therefore a critical parameter in diagnosing breast cancer. In the case of high breast density, additional examinations such as tomosynthesis or breast ultrasound may be indicated. Radiologists currently have to visually estimate breast density during the image reading process, which usually takes place after the patient has left. If further imaging is required, the patient has to be called back. This causes uncertainty and concern for the patient. MAMMOMAT Revelation1 provides automated breast density measurement during initial examination. With direct, personalized risk stratification, further imaging can be performed before the patient leaves. Patients receive results faster, which minimizes uncertainty. In addition, the compression force on the breast is automatically and individually adjusted with Personalized Soft Compression. Coupled with ergonomic SoftComp Paddles, this enables better breast positioning, more consistent image quality, and reduced discomfort.
Expanding precise diagnosis
Purely morphological information from a mammogram or tomosynthesis may not always be sufficient for a precise diagnosis. For example, it can be difficult to distinguish scar tissue from new tumors in a post-surgical examination. Contrast-enhanced imaging is usually performed using breast MRI at present. With the new system, functional breast imaging with contrast-enhanced mammography now expands the diagnostic options and improves patient access to functional imaging.