Radiation DoseA Multi-faceted Topic

The general discourse on radiation, absorbed radiation dose and what implications there are for humans is highly controversial. In the field of medicine, radiation has two sides as well. It has unquestioned medical advantages: Radiation can reveal hidden indications of disease, from broken bones and lung lesions to heart defects and tumors. And it can be used to treat certain cancers. But it also has a potentially serious medical downside: the ability to damage DNA and, if used irresponsibly, to eventually cause cancer.1

In light of these manifold arguments and as an innovation leader in medical imaging technologies, Siemens has claimed an opinion on this matter, it is called: Right Dose.

It is our top priority to protect patients and staff from unnecessary radiation – while always pursuing premium image quality in diagnostics and thus optimal patient outcomes. We intend not only to lead in dose reduction technology, but also in approaches of how to best manage dose for patients, for caregivers and for healthcare businesses.

At Siemens we believe, that as low doses in all modalities become more and more achievable it becomes more and more obvious, that there isn’t one dose level that fits everyone. Every clinical question and every single patient demands an individual and
specific dose level.

Siemens is convinced that what really matters is the Right Dose. Meaning, a reasonable balance between applied medical radiation and image quality.
