Connecting care teams and patientsDriving patient engagement and helping to improve the treatment processes to facilitating cooperative care

Challenges of disjoint information systems and care settings

There are substantial challenges to be overcome in the field of disjoint information systems and care setting, specifically when looking at how patients experience their own health data and reports. Additionally, healthcare providers increasingly deal with multimorbidity in patients and need to find approaches to better manage chronic diseases.

50 percent of patients evaluated report that information necessary to their care was not available when needed.1 Meaning, from a patient experience perspective, patients are unsatisfied when their care provider doesn’t have their health data at hand. According to another study, 63 percent of primary care physicians are dissatisfied with the referral process due to lack of information.2 Meaning, not providing holistic patient data negatively affects reputation with both patients and referrers.

chronic diseases

The global burden (mortality) of chronic disease contribution is estimated of 60 percent by 20203 and the number of people who are killed globally each year by chronic diseases will rise to 52 million by 20304. Healthcare providers have to increasingly deal with multimorbidity in patients and need to find approaches to better manage chronic diseases. Meaning, that there is big need for more connected care teams and patients.

We help you to overcome interoperability challenges as well as managing large numbers of chronically ill patients by connecting care teams and patients

connecting care teams and patients

Our smart solutions enable you to share patient data from multiple institutions, from in- and out-patient scenarios (incl. home care) along the entire patient journey to help you to optimize the decision making.

By creating a holistic view of the patient, we help healthcare professionals to improve cooperative care and patient outcomes. Our patient facing applications enable patient engagement and will have a positive effect on reputation among the patients and referrers. 

Making relevant health information available exactly where and when it is needed is key for efficient care management. We offer specific networking services and applications to enable effective communication and collaboration – with more flexibility in terms of time and place.5 This is exceptionally important for cross-institutional treatment involving several stakeholders.

  • Collaborate more efficiently
  • Save resources
  • Deliver high-quality patient care
  • Enable patients to engage in their own health 

Cooperative care solutions helping you to connect care teams and patients

Our eHealth Solutions can be the necessary enabler for interoperability and teamplay myCare Companion will help providers to smartly manage large numbers of chronically ill patients and therefore help healthcare professionals to improve patient outcomes. These solutions are a form of smart care platform allowing integration, monitoring, and data exchange between a set of home care applications and services.