Dual Energy CT Clinical Workshop, October 01-02, 2019

Katrin Seidel|8. 8. 2019

Dual Energy CT offers a wide variety of applications and solutions, in particular, enhancing diagnostic accuracy for pathology detection and delineation, as well as more comprehensive quantification of radiological findings. This technology also facilitates dose-reductions in terms of radiation and iodine load, and creates greater Flexibility in challenging scenarios by improving image quality and contrast. Furthermore, Dual Energy CT allows for several material selective and functional imaging techniques, as opposed to traditional CT.
This two-day workshop for radiologists and technologists will provide you with profound knowledge and practical skills in using the diagnostic possibilities of Dual Energy CT in your daily clinical routine. Starting with the physics and basics in image acquisition, to reconstruction and analysis, clinical presentations will be held by experts in the field of Dual Energy CT applications in the entire body for various oncologic, vascular and musculoskeletal indications. The talks will be followed by interactive, hands-on sessions using syngo.via workstations to enhance your practical and clinical skills in Dual Energy CT post-processing and interpretation.

  • Introduction on buttonology and workflow
  • How-to-do it: acquisition, reconstruction and interpretation of Dual Energy CT data
  • Physics of Dual Energy CT
  • Clinical presentations on Neuro, Head and Neck, Cardiothoracic, Abdomen, MSK, Vascular and Emergency Applications
  • Read with the experts – interactive, hands-on evaluation of datasets on syngo.via workstations for each clinical module
  • Practical insights for your routine use of Dual Energy CT

The presentations and hands-on sessions will be supported by active members or alumni of the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Frankfurt in Germany. Prof. Thomas Vogl, MD (Director), Moritz Albrecht, MD (Head of CT Research) and Christian Booz, MD have been using Dual Energy CT successfully for several years in daily routine. Prof. Ralf Bauer, MD and partner at RNS Gemeinschaftspraxis in Wiesbaden, Germany, has been a DECT user and researcher from the first moment and is rounding off this unique set-up with his wide-ranging Dual Energy CT expertise reaching back to 2007. Together, the speakers authored more than 80 scientific and educational publications on Dual Energy CT, including first- and senior authorships in the journal Radiology. They have been sharing their expertise in several Dual Energy CT Hands-on Workshops in the United States and Europe, as well as in teaching videos and online webinars. Learn from their extensive experience in the use of Dual Energy CT and gain valuable tips and tricks for your everyday work.