How can you reduce your data volume in breast cancer screening?


Using 2-view Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) as a stand-alone modality can help reduce the fast growing data volume in breast cancer screening. Although DBT provides more detail than a mammogram and can increase the cancer detection rate, there are still clinical and traditional arguments for retaining digital mammography with DBT. Reasons include that mammography images enable easy comparison with prior exams and give an overview of the whole breast. Further, reimbursement regulations may require that a 2D image is acquired together with DBT.

So far, the USA is the only country that has approved 2-view DBT to be used as a stand-alone modality in breast cancer screening for one mammography system.1 For the FDA, there was sufficient evidence that DBT offers:

  • superior diagnostic accuracy,
  • a reduced non-cancer recall rate,
  • improved reader performance, and
  • lower interobserver variability.

All of these improvements are highly relevant to the clinical implementation and are strong drivers for DBT to become the standard of care in screening and diagnostic mammography. What’s more, using 2-view DBT as stand-alone also eliminates the additional radiation dose needed for mammography. 

The conclusion of their study is that 1-view DBT might be feasible as a stand-alone screening modality.2

High Definition Breast Tomosythesis

About High Definition Breast Tomosynthesis

Increase your diagnostic confidence efficiently and easily with High Definition Breast Tomosynthesis. Already superior with the widest angle, the highest number of projections, and full detector readout, it is now the world’s first tomosynthesis to incorporate EMPIRE Technology.