12-element design, iPAT-compatible coil for standard and advanced neuro applications.
Head Matrix Coil
Features & Benefits
The Head Matrix coil is part of the standard system configuration.
- 12-element design with 12 integrated preamplifiers, two rings of 6 elements each (i.e. 4 clusters of 3 elements each)
- Upper coil part removable
- Lower coil part usable without upper part for highly claustrophobic patients
- Lower coil part may stay on the patient table for most of the examinations
- Smoothly integrated into the patient table with Neck Matrix coil and Spine Matrix coil
- Open patient-friendly design
- Cushioned head stabilizers (removable)
- No coil tuning
- iPAT-compatible
- Detachable double mirror
- Head examination
- MR Angiography
- Combined head/neck examination
- TMJ (temporo mandibular joints)
Can be combined with
- Neck Matrix coil
- Spine Matrix coil
- Body Matrix coils (up to 4)
- PA Matrix coil
- All flexible coils (e.g. CP Flex coil, small, CP Flex coil, large)
General Requirements
- MAGNETOM Symphony, A Tim System
Minimum Software Version
Compatible with all versions on listed systems
Please Note: Additional technical pre-requisites may apply. Upon receiving your request, your local Siemens representative will clarify whether your system meets the requirements.
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