Prostate CancerMore Choices in PSA Tests
Each year almost 700,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed worldwide, and approximately 221,000 deaths occur annually due to prostate cancer. Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics offers a full menu of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) tests that aid in the detection, monitoring and management of prostate cancer. In addition to traditional PSA tests, the Siemens portfolio of PSA assays includes unique Complexed PSA and Third Generation PSA assays that are alternatives to conventional testing.
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NACB Laboratory Medicine Practice Guidelines. Use of Tumor Markers in Testicular, Prostate, Colorectal, Breast and Ovarian Cancers. 2009.
The IMMULITE Third Generation PSA assay has not been evaluated and approved by the FDA for use with the IMMULITE Free PSA assay in the percent free PSA calculations.
Shen, et al. Ultrasensitive serum prostate specific antigen nadir accurately predicts the risk of early relapse after radical prostatectomy. J of Urol 2005; 173; 777-780.
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