Symbia Intevo Bold ™ combina TC de alto rendimiento con imágenes avanzadas de SPECT para adaptarse incluso a las situaciones más difíciles. Para aquellos que quieren más de su sistema, Symbia Intevo Bold ofrece la flexibilidad de llevar sus capacidades aún más lejos con una gama de opciones únicas y potentes de SPECT y TC.

Symbia Intevo BoldMás TC para su SPECT / CT
Características y Beneficios

Más claridad para más pacientes.
Rediseñamos la imagen ósea SPECT / CT para utilizar la TC como marco de referencia durante la reconstrucción de imágenes. La mayor resolución de imagen obtenida con la tecnología xSPECT Bone ™ le permite localizar y caracterizar mejor la enfermedad para una representación más precisa de la condición de cada paciente.
A medida que las poblaciones de pacientes continúan envejeciendo, la creciente presencia de implantes metálicos y marcapasos agrega complejidad a las imágenes. iMAR, nuestra técnica de reducción de artefactos metálicos CT, ayuda a mejorar la corrección de la atenuación CT y SPECT en estos casos. 2 xSPECT Bone e iMAR se pueden combinar fácilmente para una claridad de imagen aún mayor.

Reducción de dosis sin comprometer la calidad
Para obtener respuestas rápidas y concluyentes a preguntas clínicas, necesita la mejor imagen para cada paciente. Sin embargo, lograr el equilibrio adecuado entre la calidad de imagen y la dosis de radiación puede ser un desafío, particularmente dada la diversidad de pacientes. Nuestro software y hardware de reconstrucción de imagen CT patentado, SAFIRE, le permite lograr esto de manera rápida y fácil. 3

La atención adecuada en el momento adecuado
Agregar una cuantificación confiable a su rutina clínica puede facilitar un consenso más rápido y generar una mayor consistencia en toda su institución. Nuestro xSPECT Quant ™ y Cuantificación amplia ™ Las tecnologías generan mediciones altamente precisas y confiables para respaldar diagnósticos tempranos y estrategias terapéuticas óptimas para una amplia gama de indicaciones clínicas.
Uso Clínico

xSPECT Bone sharply delineates severe osteoarthritis in the left hip joint
A 71-year-old male with severe left hip pain during motion underwent a 99mTC MDP bone SPECT/CT of the pelvis and lumbar spine. xSPECT Bone™ sharply delineates increased uptake in left acetabulum corresponding to irregular articular surface, peri-articular sclerosis, and narrowing of joint space seen on CT. Sharp definition of joint space and acetabular margins seen on xSPECT Bone helps accurately define the extent of acetabular hypermetabolism and the site of pain.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

Data courtesy of University Hospital of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.
Reducing metal artifacts with iMAR may lead to more accurate quantification
Iterative metal artifact reduction (iMAR) results in the resolution of the vast majority of artifacts associated with dental implants in this head and neck case, which can result in more accurate assessment of functional activity.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

Data courtesy of University Hospital of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.
Reducing image distortion with iMAR may improve accuracy of image interpretation
Artifacts from bilateral hip prosthesis can result in severe distortion of adjacent anatomical structures. With iMAR, these artifacts are significantly reduced, resulting in images that more accurately reflect anatomy and thus may lead to more accurate image interpretation.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

Data courtesy of University Hospital of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.
iMAR helps visualization of anatomical and functional findings in areas impacted by metal artifacts
iMAR reduced metal artifacts from the right hip prosthesis, enabling a more thorough inspection of the pelvis.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

Data courtesy of University Hospital of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.
xSPECT Quant enables quantification of tracer uptake to support therapy response assessment
A 22-hour post-injection SPECT/CT scan using xSPECT Quant™ showed heterogeneous tracer uptake in the known primary tumor of the pancreas. xSPECT Quant enables quantification of uptake, which allows dosimetric estimation and assessment of therapeutic response. The use of SAFIRE helped to significantly reduce the noise in the CT image.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

Quantification of therapeutic dose in metastatic lesions with 177Lu PSMA
xSPECT Quant™ allows accurate determination of activity in multiple osseous lesions following therapy with 177Lu PSMA. xSPECT Quant also enables dosimetry applications in order to achieve the highest possible dose to sites of disease while minimizing toxicity risks.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

xSPECT Quant used in 123I MIBG study to accurately evaluate uptake in suspected right adrenal pheochromocytoma
xSPECT Quant™ allows for a more accurate evaluation of radiotracer uptake of a suspicious right adrenal gland lesion. Quantification can be helpful in the initial assessment of disease as well as monitoring therapeutic response.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

xSPECT Bone sharply delineates bony remodeling and facet arthropathy secondary to vertebral fixation
xSPECT Bone™ sharply delineates skeletal hyper metabolism in the left facet joints of L3-L5 vertebra adjacent to vertebral stabilization pins reflecting bony remodeling and facet arthropathy, which are secondary to vertebral fixation.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

xSPECT Bone sharply defines cervical vertebral instability that is secondary to loosening of fixation screw
99mTc MDP Bone SPECT/CT was performed to evaluate loosening of fixation plate. xSPECT Bone™ shows sharp delineation of focal increased uptake in the bodies of C6 and C7 around the margin of the anterior fixation plate, which suggests hypermetabolism related to bone stress that is secondary to instability and loosening of the anterior fixation plate and screw.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

xSPECT Bone sharply delineates bilateral pars fracture in lumbar vertebrae
A 15-year-old female involved in sports presented with lower back pain. xSPECT Bone™ shows sharp delineation of focal increased uptake corresponding to bilateral pars fracture in L4 vertebrae, which are delineated on the CT with higher intensity of uptake in the left side.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

xSPECT Bone sharply delineates severe osteoarthritis in the left hip joint
A 71-year-old male with severe left hip pain during motion underwent a 99mTC MDP bone SPECT/CT of the pelvis and lumbar spine. xSPECT Bone™ sharply delineates increased uptake in left acetabulum corresponding to irregular articular surface, peri-articular sclerosis, and narrowing of joint space seen on CT. Sharp definition of joint space and acetabular margins seen on xSPECT Bone helps accurately define the extent of acetabular hypermetabolism and the site of pain.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

Data courtesy of University Hospital of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.
Reducing metal artifacts with iMAR may lead to more accurate quantification
Iterative metal artifact reduction (iMAR) results in the resolution of the vast majority of artifacts associated with dental implants in this head and neck case, which can result in more accurate assessment of functional activity.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

Data courtesy of University Hospital of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.
Reducing image distortion with iMAR may improve accuracy of image interpretation
Artifacts from bilateral hip prosthesis can result in severe distortion of adjacent anatomical structures. With iMAR, these artifacts are significantly reduced, resulting in images that more accurately reflect anatomy and thus may lead to more accurate image interpretation.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

Data courtesy of University Hospital of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.
iMAR helps visualization of anatomical and functional findings in areas impacted by metal artifacts
iMAR reduced metal artifacts from the right hip prosthesis, enabling a more thorough inspection of the pelvis.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

Data courtesy of University Hospital of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.
xSPECT Quant enables quantification of tracer uptake to support therapy response assessment
A 22-hour post-injection SPECT/CT scan using xSPECT Quant™ showed heterogeneous tracer uptake in the known primary tumor of the pancreas. xSPECT Quant enables quantification of uptake, which allows dosimetric estimation and assessment of therapeutic response. The use of SAFIRE helped to significantly reduce the noise in the CT image.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

Quantification of therapeutic dose in metastatic lesions with 177Lu PSMA
xSPECT Quant™ allows accurate determination of activity in multiple osseous lesions following therapy with 177Lu PSMA. xSPECT Quant also enables dosimetry applications in order to achieve the highest possible dose to sites of disease while minimizing toxicity risks.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

xSPECT Quant used in 123I MIBG study to accurately evaluate uptake in suspected right adrenal pheochromocytoma
xSPECT Quant™ allows for a more accurate evaluation of radiotracer uptake of a suspicious right adrenal gland lesion. Quantification can be helpful in the initial assessment of disease as well as monitoring therapeutic response.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

xSPECT Bone sharply delineates bony remodeling and facet arthropathy secondary to vertebral fixation
xSPECT Bone™ sharply delineates skeletal hyper metabolism in the left facet joints of L3-L5 vertebra adjacent to vertebral stabilization pins reflecting bony remodeling and facet arthropathy, which are secondary to vertebral fixation.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

xSPECT Bone sharply defines cervical vertebral instability that is secondary to loosening of fixation screw
99mTc MDP Bone SPECT/CT was performed to evaluate loosening of fixation plate. xSPECT Bone™ shows sharp delineation of focal increased uptake in the bodies of C6 and C7 around the margin of the anterior fixation plate, which suggests hypermetabolism related to bone stress that is secondary to instability and loosening of the anterior fixation plate and screw.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

xSPECT Bone sharply delineates bilateral pars fracture in lumbar vertebrae
A 15-year-old female involved in sports presented with lower back pain. xSPECT Bone™ shows sharp delineation of focal increased uptake corresponding to bilateral pars fracture in L4 vertebrae, which are delineated on the CT with higher intensity of uptake in the left side.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

xSPECT Bone sharply delineates severe osteoarthritis in the left hip joint
A 71-year-old male with severe left hip pain during motion underwent a 99mTC MDP bone SPECT/CT of the pelvis and lumbar spine. xSPECT Bone™ sharply delineates increased uptake in left acetabulum corresponding to irregular articular surface, peri-articular sclerosis, and narrowing of joint space seen on CT. Sharp definition of joint space and acetabular margins seen on xSPECT Bone helps accurately define the extent of acetabular hypermetabolism and the site of pain.
Scanner: Symbia Intevo Bold™ SPECT/CT

Especificaciones Técnicas
Gantry |
Apertura del túnel | 70 cm |
Longitud del túnel | 89 cm |
TC |
Potencia del generador | 50 kW |
Tiempo de rotación | hasta 0.5 s |
Voltaje del tubo | 80, 110, 130 kv |
Reconstrucción iterativa | SAFIRE 3, 4 |
Reducción de artefactos metálicos. | iMAR 2, 4 |
Cortes | 16/32 1 |
Espesor de cristal | 3/8 "o 5/8" |
Dimensión del detector (FOV) | 53,3 x 38,7 cm |
Rango de energía | 35-588 keV |
Sensibilidad del sistema (LEHR a 10 cm) | 202 cpm / μCi |
Modos de adquisición | Estática, dinámica, cerrada, SPECT, SPECT cerrada, SPECT dinámica, cuerpo completo, SPECT de cuerpo completo, SPECT / CT, xSPECT ™ |
Precisión cuantitativa | ≤ 5% 4, 5 |