sense®1 supports integrated, cross-enterprise healthcare networks by providing medical information to authorized health professionals when and where it is needed. Enabling care providers on-demand access to health data not only helps save valuable time, it can also help improve the quality of patient treatment.
Benefits at a glance:
Supports cooperative care processes
The cross-enterprise care processes enabled by sense help raise
the quality of treatment, help improve patient safety, and leverage potential cost savings, for example, by avoiding unnecessary examinations.
Highly scalable and secure
sense is designed to network several healthcare providers in a region (“virtual electronic patient records”) and also allows nationwide connection of healthcare providers and electronic health records for millions of citizens. Developed under accepted international standards, sense provides highly secure applications.
sense provides a modular, Service-Oriented Architecture-based infrastructure, consisting of onsite sense Local nodes (deployed locally in institutions) and centralized sense Community nodes (offering several index services and providing for interconnection of multiple IHE-XDS communities).
Vendor independent
The solution supports vendor-independent interoperability by using internationally accepted communication and data standards, such as HL7 CDA, XACML, and SAML, and fully conforms to IHE XDS.a, XDS.b, XDS-I, PIX/PDQ, ATNA, XCA, XUA, NAV, and BPPC.