Tim Planning Suite

Easy planning of extended Field of View examinations in an efficient way using Set-n-Go protocols.
It allows planning of several stations at once e.g. on composed localizer images.

The overlap of slice groups can be adjusted. All stations can have independent parameter settings although they are displayed together.
A special coupling mode allows easy positioning of all stations at once according to the patient’s anatomy.
Fully supports scan@center and Phoenix functionality.

Features & Benefits


  • Tim Planning UI with optimized layout for slice positioning
  • Ready to use Set-n-Go protocols for different clinical questions
  • Integrated toolbar for fast, advanced slice planning: FoV-Plus, FoV-Minus, AlignParallel, AlignFieldOfViews

General Requirements

  • MAGNETOM Prisma
  • MAGNETOM Skyra
  • MAGNETOM Verio

syngo MR B13
syngo MR C11
syngo MR D11

Composing, Inline Composing
Please Note: Additional technical pre-requisites may apply. Upon receiving your request, your local Siemens representative will clarify whether your system meets the requirements.

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