Deep Resolve Sharp

Features & Benefits

Deep Resolve Sharp is an AI-powered image reconstruction technology with a deep neural network at its core that increases the sharpness of the image. The neural network was trained by comparing a vast amount of high- and low-resolution data. Within the reconstruction pipeline, Deep Resolve Sharp generates a high-resolution image from low-resolution input. The inclusion of the acquired raw data in the reconstruction process ensures clinically robust results.

Your benefits:

  • Increased image sharpness using a deep neural network.
  • Speed up image acquisition without sacrificing image quality.
  • Increase the in-plane Matrix size by up to a factor of two along each axis for a clearer depiction of small structures.

General Requirements


  • MAGNETOM Altea
  • MAGNETOM Lumina
  • MAGNETOM Sola Fit
  • MAGNETOM Vida Fit

  • MAGNETOM Free.Max
  • MAGNETOM Free.Star

  • MAGNETOM Amira
  • MAGNETOM Sempra

  • MAGNETOM Viato.Mobile

  • MAGNETOM Skyra
  • MAGNETOM Prisma
  • MAGNETOM Prisma Fit

  • MAGNETOM Avanto Fit
  • MAGNETOM Skyra Fit

Minimum Software Version

syngo  MR XA31

syngo  MR XA40

syngo  MR XA50

syngo  MR XA51

syngo  MR XA60

syngo  MR XA61


Deep Resolve Boost and Deep Resolve Sharp are artificial intelligence, deep-learning algorithms to increase speed and image sharpness from head-to-toe. 

Prerequisite: Deep Resolve Gain

Additional technical prerequisites may apply. Upon receiving your request, your local Siemens representative will clarify whether your system meets the requirements.

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