Sustainable Impact for the Environment
The Proven Excellence process leads to a reduction of 20,000 tons of CO2 per year. This equates to the electric power consumption of approximately 5,700 households or the CO2 storage of around 32 hectares of tropical rain forest
But we wanted to go even further and have launched the Proven Excellence Sustainable Impact program to double the reduction of CO2 emissions. The program aims to reforest 32 hectares of rain forest. Within the framework of the initiative we are planting trees for every sold Proven Excellence system in cooperation with WWF Indonesia and its NEWtrees Replanting Initiative.
Economy, efficiency, health care and social responsibility, all backed by Siemens unique Proven Excellence Sustainable Impact program.
Proven Excellence Sustainable Impact, set up to reduce energy consumption and pollution, aims at sustainable and careful use of resources. Furthermore, the impact on CO2 reduction will nearly double through reforestation.
Our Proven Excellence Sustainable Impact is part of Siemens' overall 'Green+ Hospitals' program.
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