MAGNETOM Flash1 – Simultaneous Multi-Slice Supplement

MAGNETOM Flash – Simultaneous Multi-Slice Supplement

SimultaneousMulti-Slice (SMS) is a new technique that speeds up imaging and circumvents the SNR loss associated with conventional parallel imaging (iPAT) techniques such as SENSE and GRAPPA. Read articles from the developers of this technique (M. Griswold, K. Ugurbil, L. Wald). Leading clinicians and scientists around the world share their clinical and research experiences with SMS Diffusion and BOLD in neuroimaging (A. Bartsch, C. Eichner, R. Hoge, K. Miller, T. Shepherd, S. Smith, E. Yacoub,) and beyond, to orthopedics, body, cardiology, and pediatric imaging (G. Andreisek, H. Chandarana, C. Mekkaouri, D. Staeb).

"The SMS Revolution" by guest editor Peter Jezzard, Ph.D. (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain (FMRIB), Oxford, UK)

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