Dr. Wayne Lemish is a radiologist based in Melbourne, Australia with more than 20 years of experience in both screening and diagnostic mammography and about 4 years’ experience with tomosynthesis. As his practice has two tomosynthesis systems from different manufacturers, one wide-angle and one narrow-angle system, he and his team have the opportunity to directly compare the difference the scan angle can make in clinical practice. See for yourself!
Clinical Case 1: 55-year-old woman who noticed a lump in her left breast
The tomosynthesis images were first acquired with the narrow-angle system and then retaken with the wide-angle tomosynthesis system. See the difference the scan angle can make!
Clinical Case 2: 57-year-old woman with a past history of micro-calcification
To find out if what is visible on the image acquired with the narrow-angle system is a true spiculation or just adjacent tissue, Dr. Lemish and his team acquired another tomosynthesis image with the wide-angle system. Watch the entire clinical case!
Clinical Case 3: 51-year-old woman with a past history of fibroadenoma
On the newly acquired wide-angle tomosynthesis image, a small circumscribed nodule was additionally visible. To answer the question if this was a new nodule or a long-standing finding, Dr. Lemish and his team had to compare the most recent image with prior images – taken with different systems and different scan angles. Watch how the case unfolds!
Cookie Case
To make the difference between the wide angle and narrow angle visible, Dr. Lemish and his team created a phantom of alphabet cookies stacked on top of each other. They then acquired tomosynthesis images of the phantom with their two different systems. See for yourself the difference in image quality!

About High Definition Breast Tomosynthesis
Increase your diagnostic confidence efficiently and easily with High Definition Breast Tomosynthesis. Already superior with the widest angle, the highest number of projections, and full detector readout, it is now the world’s first tomosynthesis to incorporate EMPIRE Technology.