Atellica® VTLi Patient-side Immunoassay AnalyzerA vital leap forward in cardiac testing

When a patient enters the emergency department presenting with the symptoms of a myocardial infarction (MI), every moment is critical. Achieving favorable clinical and operational outcomes requires fast and accurate chest pain assessment at the point of care, as well as coordination with the laboratory for quality assurance. Having high-sensitivity troponin testing at the point of care—producing accurate results in just 8 minutes—could transform care delivery for millions of people each year, improving ED throughput, reducing stress and strain on acute care clinicians, and aiding in optimizing the use of time and resources of busy laboratories. 

SelecScience Choice Awards
Scientist Choice Award 2022
Atellica® VTLi Patient-side Immunoassay Analyzer


Simple to use and easily integrated into existing systems, the Atellica® VTLi Patient-side Immunoassay Analyzer, powered by Magnotech® Technology, delivers accurate, clinically actionable high-sensitivity troponin I results directly in the hands of those who need it most.

POC Atellica VTLi ED Patient on Gurney

The Atellica VTLi system streamlines chest pain assessment, aiding in earlier disposition decisions for patients not having an MI and fast interventions for those who are.

Cardiac Doctor and Nurse Discussing Cardiac Patient Results

The Atellica VTLi system will aid in transforming your chest pain assessment process to benefit patients, clinicians, and operational workflow.

Operator inoculates cartridge with capillary sample on the left and with venous sample on the right (move slider to view both images)

  • Sample type flexibility: The system can produce results on lithium-heparin whole blood, lithium-heparin plasma, and capillary samples.
  • Sample volume: minimum of 30 µL of blood required to perform the test.
  • Test results are sent securely through our POC Ecosystem™ Solution via WI-FI or Ethernet for storage in the LIS/HIS and EMR.

On the left, reagent cartridge rear view with RFID chip and on the right, reagent cartridge top view (move slider to see both images)

The cartridge is disposable (single-use), with no warm-up time from refrigerated storage. Each disposable cartridge is identified by a unique Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip, that contains information on the type of test, calibration data, and lot-specific information.

  • Instructs the instrument to automatically starts the correct assay protocol
  • Integrated assay quality control in every cartridge
POC Atellica VTLi ED Patient on Gurney

The Atellica VTLi system streamlines chest pain assessment, aiding in earlier disposition decisions for patients not having an MI and fast interventions for those who are.

Technical Details

Technical Specifications

Sample Type

Capillary (fingerstick) whole blood


Lithium-heparinized venous whole blood


Lithium-heparinized venous plasma


Sample Size

30–100 μL


Time to Results: ~8 minutes

Quality Control

Sero PATHONORM Cardiac Acute Liq

Reagent Cartridge

Storage: 2–8°C

Size of box (W x D x H): 152 x 95 x 167 mm

Cartridges per box: 24

System Dimensions

Length: 25 cm

Height: 5.2 cm

Width: 8.5 cm

Weight: 780 g

Color LCD display: 7.3 inches

Integrated Barcode Scanner

Patient ID, Operator ID, and bottled QC; 1D (linear) and 2D barcode symbologies

Operating System

Microsoft WEC2013

Data Security

Patient data anonymization

TLS 1.2 encrypted end-to-end communication, using client and server certificates

Configurable level of user authentication

No storage of passwords, no hard-coded passwords

No user access to operating system


Dr. Fred Apple