Cross-table SmartOrtho1 lateral
Real 3D1 ankle lying
SmartOrtho1 long legs lying
Hip axial lying
RAXalign angled elbow lateral
Real 3D1 knee weight-bearing
RAXalign elbow lateral
SmartOrtho1 full spine standing
Real 3D Hi-Res1,2 wrist lying
Virtual U-arm
Real 3D1 ankle weight-bearing
Transversal SmartOrtho1 shoulder panorama standing
Chest p.a. and lateral
Scanner Movement
Port implant
Cross-table SmartOrtho lateral
Real 3D ankle lying
SmartOrtho long legs lying
Real 3D knee weight-bearing
SmartOrtho full spine standing
Real 3D Hi-Res wrist lying
Real 3D ankle weight-bearing
Transversal SmartOrtho shoulder panorama standing
Real3D Hi-Res is currently under development; it is not for sale in the U.S. Its future availability cannot be guaranteed.