Biograph Vision

Biograph Vision See a whole new world of precision.

Biograph Vision™1 is the next-generation of PET/CT scanners that empowers you to see a whole new world of precision. It goes beyond digital to reveal the bigger picture, maximize efficiency and help you to better understand disease progression.

Plate-forme AIDAN - Scanner intelligent pour PET/CT

The intelligent scanner platform for PET/CT.

  • Become more efficient
  • Personalize your scans
  • Standardize your exams 

Fonctionnalités et avantages

Siemens Healthineers Biograph Vision
    Accuracy to reveal the bigger picture

    Biograph Vision is specifically designed to break through the limits of spatial and temporal resolution. With 3.2-mm crystals, Biograph Vision delivers high spatial resolution to reduce the impact of partial volume effect (PVE). Along with higher spatial resolution, a faster time of-flight also makes it easier to see small lesions2. This helps you quantify more accurately and more confidently understand disease progression.

    Professor Ronald Boellard, PhD University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands

    Performance to maximize efficiency

    Biograph Vision can help you optimize your clinical operations with quality images and efficient workflow. With the market’s highest effective sensitivity at 100 cps/kBq3 and the fastest time-of flight in the industry4 Biograph Vision can not only reduce scan time and injected dose to boost productivity, it can also improve image quality. Combined with FlowMotion, it is designed to reduce unnecessary exposure to CT radiation, provide greater patient comfort, and decrease examination times.2

    Professor John Prior, PhD, MD, FEBNM Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland

    Reproducibility to understand disease progression

    Biograph Vision can help reduce unwarranted variations to maximize patient care. Its zero-differential-deflection patient bed provides perfect registration between the CT and PET fields of view, ensuring accurate attenuation correction for more precise quantification. QualityGuard5 automates daily and weekly quality control without a radioactive source to help produce consistent and accurate results. FlowMotion Multiparametric PET Suite makes it easier and faster to perform parametric imaging in daily clinical routine. It is completely automated and integrated into the PET/CT workflow for more reproducible images.

    Richard E. Carson, PhD Yale PET Center Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA

    Approche clinique

    Caractéristiques techniques

    Transcend digital with the Optiso UDR detector

    Optiso UDR’s proprietary 3.2 mm LSO crystals move silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) technology beyond digital to a new level of precision to help you detect small lesions, devise accurate treatment strategies and achieve optimal performance in a wide range of count rates.

    Biograph Vision and its features and applications are not commercially available in all countries. Their future availability cannot be guaranteed. Please contact your local Siemens Healthineers organization for further details.
    1 Compared to BGO crystals.
    2 Compared to competitive literature available at time of publication. Data on file.
    3 Data courtesy of Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland.
    4 Data courtesy of University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.
    5 Based on internal typical measurements at time of publication. Data on file.
    6 Compared to current Siemens state-of-the-art technologies. Data on file.
    7 Images for illustration purposes only. Data acquired on Biograph mCT system.
    68Ga: Data courtesy of University of Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany
    18F: Data courtesy of Kantonsspital Baselland, Liestal, Switzerland
    11C: Data courtesy of West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
    82Rb: Data courtesy of Central Manchester University Hospitals, Manchester, UK


    Spécifications techniques


    Bore diameter

    78 cm

    Tunnel length

    136 cm

    Table capacity

    227 kg (500 lb)


    Generator power

    80 kW (100 kW optional)

    Rotation times

    0.33, 0.305, 0.285 s

    Tube voltages

    70, 80, 100, 120, 140 kV

    Iterative reconstruction


    Metal artifact reduction



    64, 128


    Axial field of view

    26.3 cm

    Crystal size

    3.2 x 3.2 x 20 mm

    SiPM coverage of crystal array


    Effective sensitivity

    100 cps/kBq

    Effective NEC

    1870 kcps

    Time of flight performance

    214 ps
