The Siemens Healthineers MR Division and Massachusetts General Hospital collaborated on strategies to develop fast, clinically validated MRI exams: GOBrain and GOBrain+. In addition to the free application downloads accessible in the tabs above, please check out these other valuable neuro MRI resources:
The article details the strategy behind implementing GOBrain and discusses potential future extensions of Generalized Optimized (GO) strategies to develop fast, clinically validated MRI exams.
(Neuroradiology Division, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA)
GOBrain Protocols
GOBrain is a diagnostic brain exam which takes 5 minutes1. It consists of five diagnostically important MRI brain protocols acquired with optimized pulse sequences. Integrated with individual anatomical landmark-based AutoAlign technology providing automatic slice positioning, this push-button exam requires minimal interaction from the technologist. The included sequences are a sagittal T1-weighted, axial T2-weighted, axial T2-weighted, DarkFluid, axial diffusion-weighted, and an axial T2*-weighted contrast.
Please note: Protocols are based on software version syngo.MR E11A.
- Download GOBrain optimized for Head/Neck 64 at 3T (.exar1 file & PDF) (zip) 0.18 MB
- Download GOBrain optimized for Head 32 at 3T (.exar1 file & PDF) (zip) 0.17 MB
- Download GOBrain optimized for Head/Neck 20 at 3T (.exar1 file & PDF) (zip) 0.17 MB
- Download GOBrain optimized for Head/Neck 20 at 1.5T (.exar1 file & PDF) (zip) 0.21 MB
- Download GOBrain optimized for Head/Neck 16 at 3T (.exar1 file & PDF) (zip) 0.25 MB
- Download GOBrain optimized for Head/Neck 16 at 1.5T (.exar1 file & PDF) (zip) 0.21 MB
Imaging protocols courtesy of Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.
GOBrain+ Protocols
GOBrain+ expands GOBrain to additionally support brain imaging with contrast medium. Additional optimized sequences include an axial T1-weighted sequence administred pre- and post-contrast and a post-contrast MPRage.
Please note: Protocols are based on software version syngo.MR E11A.
- Download GOBrain+ optimized for Head/Neck 64 at 3T (.exar1 file & PDF) (zip) 0.23 MB
- Download GOBrain+ optimized for Head 32 at 3T (.exar1 file & PDF) (zip) 0.22 MB
- Download GOBrain+ optimized for Head/Neck 20 at 3T (.exar1 file & PDF) (zip) 0.21 MB
- Download GOBrain+ optimized for Head/Neck 20 at 1.5T (.exar1 file & PDF) (zip) 0.25 MB
Imaging protocols courtesy of Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.
Courtesy of Bart Schraa, MSc., Master MR Application Specialist at Siemens Canada Ltd., Oakville, ON, Canada.
GOBrain is available for MAGNETOM Aera and MAGNETOM Skyra.
GOBrain+ is available for MAGNETOM Aera and MAGNETOM Skyra with Tim 4G [204 x 48], [204 x 64], and [204 x 128].