- The Siemens CHECKpoint™ ILQC (interlab Quality Control) Program is used in conjunction with the ADVIA® TESTpoint™ Hematology Controls (P/Ns T03-3686-54, T03-3687-54, T03-3688-54), ADVIA TESTpoint Reticulocyte Controls (P/Ns T03-3690-54 and T03-3693-54), and ADVIA 3-in-1 TESTpoint Controls (P/Ns T03-4416, T03-4417, and T03-4418)
- Complete this enrollment form to register your ADVIA system. Each system and shift combination is considered a "Report"
- Enrollment entitles you to 14 reports per year per registered system. Reports for additional shifts are available at extra cost. Please contact your Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Sales Representative for additional information.
- A complete start-up kit, including your assigned Siemens CHECKpoint ID number(s) will be sent directly to you under separate cover. Please allow 2 weeks for processing.
- If you have any questions or concerns, please call 1-800-244-9327. Outside the U.S. and Canada, contact the local Siemens office for support.