VersaCell SystemsOne tube, one point-of-entry, one operator, one report.

You and your lab are expected to accomplish more and a VersaCell® System provides the simple solution. This unique sample management technology works differently from other systems to increase your workflow efficiency for chemistry and/or immunoassay testing.

  • Finish on time with automatic routing that eliminates time-consuming and error-prone pre-analytical sorting
  • Manage large sample peaks with high-throughput instrument connectivity options
  • Provide predictable TAT for time-critical results analysis
  • Extend the test menu capability from a single tube

The VersaCell system is different. It is a compact, robotic system that connects up to 2 stand-alone instruments in flexible configurations. The VersaCell system is efficient and affordable for any size lab. It gives you flexibility, versatility, and functional independence. With the VersaCell system, you have the best of all worlds and a new and flexible way to operate your lab.

Features & Benefits

The VersaCell® System is different. It is a compact, robotic system that connects up to 2 stand-alone instruments in flexible configurations. The VersaCell system is efficient and affordable for any size lab. It gives you flexibility, versatility, and functional independence. With the VersaCell System, you have the best of all worlds and a new and flexible way to operate your lab.

The Versatility to Add, Subtract - and Multiply Your Productivity

The VersaCell System gives you a dynamic testing solution. It enables you to add or remove instruments as your needs change. With the VersaCell System’s scalable automation, you can:

  • Maximize the capabilities of your existing systems
  • Use most types of racks and tubes
  • Move instruments to a future automation solution

Scalable and Reliable for Your Peace of Mind

The VersaCell System expands your capabilities - easily and more affordably than you ever thought possible. It offers a unique and powerful solution to meet the changing needs of your lab. The VersaCell System is:

  • Scalable: from stand-alone to automation - the VersaCell System keeps pace with change
  • Reliable: functional independence keeps you up and running
  • Flexible: a range of instruments to choose from; easily handles STAT and non-routine requests
  • Good Investment: affordability and scalability minimize risk
  • Comprehensive: broad assay menus from Siemens in both Immunoassay and Chemistry

Put the unlimited potential of the VersaCell system to work for you.

Functional Independence for Maximum Uptime

With the VersaCell System, routine maintenance or any instrument servicing won’t slow you down. Your instruments operate separately or together:

  • If one instrument or the VersaCell system is out of service, the other modules can still operate uninterrupted
  • Can help you stay in continuous operation to continually release results and meet demand

Consolidation on Demand to Streamline Your Workflow

The VersaCell System links multiple chemistry and immunoassay instruments as needed. It’s the simple path to improved workflow. With the VersaCell System’s consolidation on demand, your lab will experience:

  • A central area for loading and unloading up to 200 sample tubes; reduces need for sorting tubes or aliquoting
  • Virtual Network Connection for consolidated viewing of results and user interfaces of all connected instruments
  • Improved productivity by reducing loading and sorting time
  • Intelligent routing via robot arm for faster total turnaround times

Simple to Operate, Easy to Consolidate

The VersaCell System redefines simplicity. You simply open the sample drawer, load sample tubes, and close the drawer - the VersaCell System does the rest:

  • Easy-access drawers for continuous sample loading and unloading with no interruption to test processing streamlines workflow
  • The VersaCell System orients the sample tubes for barcode reading – you don’t have to
  • STAT samples are loaded as easily as routine and automatically prioritized
  • Operate instruments as if stand-alone—no additional skills needed
  • Simple design means no tracks and small footprint for easy integration into your existing floor plan

VersaCell System - Testimonials

"I am a Lab Chief, and the last time...I used an instrument was 25-30 years ago. I have used the VersaCell instrument after one hour of training. It is easy to use."

Dr. Tozzoli
Lab Director
Ospedale di Latisana, Italy

"VersaCell I think it is an easy instrument, it is the first time I saw the VersaCell instrument. On Monday, you explained the system and I worked with the instrument, without any problem. The versatility of the machine, [the] ease [of movement] to different screens of activities…made this an easy instrument to use from my point of view."

"I admit, I don’t normally work with the instruments – I reproduce[d] exactly the work of the day in my laboratory alone without any help. The VersaCell solution can be very helpful in my organization"

Dr. Vignati
Director of Centro Malattie Endocrine e Metaboliche
Ospedale G.Fornaroli, Magenta, Italy

Technical Details


Software User Interface
The VersaCell® System user interface works independently from any of the connected instruments and is controlled by a separate computer. The operator can identify the system status, as well as the status of any individual rack or sample. In addition, the software displays informational messages, event and error logs and diagnostic procedures for troubleshooting purposes. Features of the VersaCell System User Interface are described briefly below.


Home Screen
The Home Screen is a visual depiction of the system, displaying the status of each of the four drawers as well as the robotic arm. In addition, the operator can change the mode of operation of the VersaCell System, as well as access each of the software features incorporated into the user interface.


Rack and Sample Status
As the operator adds and removes samples from VersaCell System, the drawer status indicators within the software change from Locked to Unlocked. These changes are represented by a change in color, as well as a written indication on the screen.

By clicking on each of the individual sample drawers, the operator can view the contents of each drawer within the Sample Drawer Results window. This window indicates the status of each tube within the individual drawers, as well as the barcode information for each sample.


From the Sample Drawer Results window, the operator can obtain additional information about any sample in the rack by clicking on it. The sample tube location appears with a box around it and will bring up the sample status information on the right side of the screen.

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