Web-based Training
A web-based training is a self-paced online learning which is approximately 30 to 60 minutes in duration. It is a convenient way to receive continuing education credits, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, when, where, and how you need it.
Web-based Training Registration:
To become a registered user and gain access to any of our web-based training offerings, please click here.
Virtual Instructor-led Training
A virtual instructor-led training is a Category A accredited online class which is 60-90 minutes in duration. In an interactive virtual classroom environment you will receive high-quality training delivered by an experienced Siemens Clinical Education Specialist.
Virtual Instructor-led Training Registration:
To register for your pre-purchased virtual instructor-led training please click here to access PEPconnect.
Web-based Training
Making it Easy with Wireless Detectors (WBT 1 hr)
Any Ysio customers or Siemens XP/RF CES team members.
WE CARE about Dose
Course Description:
Host recent Innovations presentation for all Siemens customers.
Surgery – Arcadis Avantic: An Overview
Course Description:
This course will cover the basic features, functions and workflow needed to perform patient exams using the Arcadis Avantic system in the mobile fluoroscopic environment. Emphasis will be placed on system movement, power up, operational controls, safety, performing a patient exam, power down and storage.
Surgery – Arcadis Orbic: An Overview
Course Description:
This course will cover the basic features, functions and workflow needed to perform patient exams using the Arcadis Orbic system in the mobile fluoroscopic environment. Emphasis will be placed on system movement, power up, operational controls, safety, performing a patient exam, power down and storage.
Surgery – Arcadis Varic: An Overview
Course Description:
This web-based training will cover the basic features, functions and workflow needed to perform patient exams using the Arcadis Varic system in the mobile fluoroscopic environment. Emphasis will be placed on system movement, power up, operational controls, safety, performing a patient exam, power down and storage.
Axiom Luminos dRF E-Learning
Course Description:
The Training provides a general overview of the AXIOMLuminos dRF including system operation, standardfeatures and options that are available on the systems.
AXIOM Luminos TF
Course Description:
This e.learning provides a general overview of the AXIOM Luminos TF, including system operation, standard features, and options that are available on the system. Use this as a preparation tool for onsite training and getting new employees up to speed.
Basic Physics for the Radiographer
Course Description:
Basic Physics for Today’s Radiographer is a refresher for all x-ray technologists. This e-learning will cover all the basics that were taught in Radiology school, such as: energy, matter, the atom, generators, x-ray tubes as well as some of the changes that have developed over the years.
Basics of Angio - Terminology and Procedures
Course Description:
This e.learning course will help the diagnostic technologist by providing a basic understanding of terms such as four vessel, run off, and a few vessel names and locations, such as vertebral and femoral.
Configuring your syngo® Browser
Course Description:
The AXIOM Aristos family incorporates syngo® as our user interface platform for communication between the examination room and radiology department. syngo® is all about you. Details on how to configure your syngo® browser to optimize your daily workflow by customizing the exam orders, image processing parameters as well as defining network nodes will be reviewed and discussed.
DICOM- What an Imaging Professional Needs to Know
Course Description:
Knowing DICOM is a must to understanding image workflow management in your clinical setting. In this session, attendees will become familiar with basic DICOM concepts and how they relate to the clinical setting and workflow. This session will discuss the benefits of conformance and the effects of noncompliance relative to DICOM standards. Participants will be able to understand the terms utilized in a conformance statement at a basic level.
Digital Radiography: Positioning Tips and Tricks
Course Description:
In today’s field of digital radiography we encounter some challenges with achieving some of those hard to reach positions/views using a digital detector. I will review the different digital detectors offered by Siemens on the Multix M, Aristos MX and Ysio systems. A brief introduction to some positioning aids available for use with digital detectors will be covered as well as specific tips and tricks for positioning certain views with each of these systems.
Digital Subtraction Angiography
Course Description:
This e.learning will provide the participant with a better understanding of the factors that influence image quality in digital subtraction angiography.
Dose Management
Course Description:
This e.learning will provide information about dose reduction in the cath lab on behalf of the Siemens AXIOM Artis system.
Flat Panel Detectors
Course Description:
This e.learning course is designed to give a comprehensive overview of flat panel technology, workflow in the radiology department, image processing parameters, as well as quality control.
Limiting Radiation Exposure
Course Description:
This e.learning course addresses the fundamentals of radiation protection and safety and how they relate to the occupational worker. It will also discuss how radiation protection affects image quality.
Maximizing Results with Flat-Detector Technology
Course Description:
The participants will learn the general anatomy of a Flat Detector and have a better understanding of how these detectors work. They will understand how different parameters may contribute to the quality of their images.
Multix Fusion Analog
Course Description:
The Multix Fusion table and wall stand allow technologists to perform table and wall bucky patient exams. The two incorporate several features that assist with patient positioning, comfort and safety. This web-based training will discuss the movements and controls for the table and wall stand, as well as specifications and cleaning and disinfecting recommendations.
New Features on Your Ysio and Luminos dRF System with VB10 Software
Course Description:
The Ysio and Luminos dRF systems featuring the new VB10 software will be discussed. The enhanced EXI values showing the correlation between the EXI value and dose will be covered as well as the new image quality tool for fast and easy optimization of your images. I will also go over the new automatic Ortho function that is used for scoliosis and long leg exams as well as other new features.
Orthopedic Image Composing
Course Description:
This session is designed to give participants knowledge about the basic functions of the Siemens MultiModality Workstation and detailed information about the basic clinical applications. Furthermore, the participants will learn about the workflow in the composing software and how to prepare, acquire, and send images from the Luminos dRF, Iconos R200, and Aristos products.
Orthopedic Imaging
Course Description:
This e.learning will give a comprehensive overview of the types of orthopedic injuries that the human body sustains. We will cover the imaging techniques involved with these specific injuries as well the treatments and the rehabilitation time that it takes for our bodies to heal.
PostProcessing Tips and Tricks to Optimize Digital Radiographs
Course Description:
This session is designed to discuss the post-processing algorithms developed by Siemens for their digital radiography systems: YSIO, AXIOM Luminos dRF and the AXIOM Aristos family. You will learn how these algorithms will influence your image quality and thus enable you to implement and modify programs to fit the needs of specific exams.
Radiation Safety
Course Description:
This course is designed to familiarize the reader with a basic understanding of radiation safety. It will look at some basic principles of radiation safety outlining what is normal exposure, how to protect oneself from overexposure, health issues association.
Radiography – Ask the Expert
Course Description:
The participants will be aware of the expert resources available to them as a Siemens customer, including an introduction to the UPTIME Services® Applications Support call center. Participants will also learn the answers to the most frequently asked questions from the Siemens UPTIME Services Center and Clinical Education site visits for the three most popular Siemens products: the Aristos MX, the Luminos TF, and the Multix M.
Radiography - Ask the Experts: Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions
Course Description:
FAQ’s as recorded by Uptime Clinical Applications. Focus is to provide answers to these questions as a basis for further clinical use of systems.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Course Description:
This thirty minute e.learning will give the radiological technologist an overview of the disease Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Special attention will be given to the image quality parameters that are used on the Siemens AXIOM Luminos TF mFD system as well as patient positioning skills.
Staying Ahead of the Game with Clinical Education
Course Description:
Innovative and advancing technologies are crucial to mastering the challenges of the future. With the increase in demand for healthcare, there is a tremendous need for new technologies to drive a more preventive approach to disease management, earlier diagnosis and intervention, and integrated information technology.
The Comparison of Analog to Digital Radiography
Course Description:
Radiography has evolved from films that have an emulsion made of gelatin with silver halide crystals in it, to digital detectors that have millions of pixels. Not to mention the time required to perform an exam and the radiation dose levels that have dropped dramatically. This session will discuss the evolution of radiographic imaging, from film through CR and on to DR. Workflow, image quality, dose, and general imaging techniques will be discussed.
Women's Trends in Colorectal Cancer - A Female Perspective
Course Description:
This e.learning will offer a basic disease overview including statistical information about colorectal cancer. Various treatment options, care issues, and research initiatives will also be discussed.
Xray Fundamentals
Course Description:
X-ray fundamentals outline details on how x-rays are made including some historical concepts and discoveries made in this area of study. The course will provide a more comprehensive review of the different components of the x-ray beam and the x-ray tube.
Course Description:
With this eLearning you will learn the relevant clinical workflows and also get a detailed look into the technical background of your Ysio and Fluorospot Compact
Ysio: A General Overview
Course Description:
The Ysio table and wall stand will allow you to perform table and wall bucky patient exams. In this training, you will see several features that will assist with patient positioning, comfort, and safety, as well as the movements and controls for the table and wall stand, specifications, and cleaning and disinfecting recommendations.
Virtual Instructor-led Training
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