Always Open: Discover the power of an open POC EcosystemInformatics solutions that allow you to connect more than 170 point-of-care devices

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Choose the POC testing devices that work best for your business, regardless of the manufacturer. Easily, securely, and robustly connect more than 170 POCT devices to your existing IT infrastructure.


On November 7, 2016, Siemens Healthineers announced its acquisition of Conworx Technology GmbH to expand POC data management and open connectivity solutions.

The addition of Conworx products to the Siemens Healthineers portfolio increases choice and performance, offering products that are configurable to our customers’ specific needs.

Discover our POC Informatics solutions.

POC Ecosystem

The Siemens Healthineers POC Ecosystem solution empowers the centralized management of POCT programs. It is a key enabler for POCT coordinators, helping them connect devices and users so testing efficiency is maximized, clinical workflow is improved, compliance is adhered to, and costs are efficiently managed.

With an expanded informatics product offering, Siemens Healthineers Point of Care Diagnostics provides a POC Ecosystem solution aligned with the megatrend of consolidation of healthcare providers around the world.


Even though Siemens Healthineers has acquired Conworx, open connectivity to all devices, no matter what manufacturer, will remain.

Siemens Healthineers believes in enabling healthcare providers around the world to meet their current and evolving challenges and excel in their respective environments. With a dedication to increasing efficiency and reducing costs for customers, Siemens Healthineers is setting new trends in healthcare together with them.

With the acquisition, products developed by Conworx may now be for sale from your Siemens Healthineers sales representative or distributor, depending on local availability.*

Roman Rosenkranz

“I have to manage POCT workflow on 36 Siemens Healthineers analyzers used by more than 2800 operators in over 23 locations.”
̶ Felicity Dempsey, POC Coordinator, St. James’s Hospital, Dublin