MAMMOMAT Revelation

S 50° širokoúhlovou tomosyntézou. Vylepšený design.

Počet screeningových programů v péči o prsy se zvyšuje. I když standardní technologií stále zůstává 2D mamografie, do oblasti screeningu začíná pronikat tomosyntéza. Radiologové a specialisté na péči o prsy potřebují pracovat výkonněji a jejich pacienti požadují pohodlnější vyšetření se spolehlivými a rychlými výsledky.

MAMMOMAT Revelation – náš vlajkový systém pro tomosyntézu – pomáhá na tyto výzvy odpovídat a přináší tomosyntézu o krok blíž ke screeningu. Klinicky potvrzená, unikátní 50° širokoúhlá tomosyntéza v přístroji MAMMOMAT Revelation vám pomáhá získat cenný vhled a umožňuje přesnější1,2 a časnější detekci rakoviny prsu. MAMMOMAT Revelation nabízí nejvyšší hloubkové rozlišení3 a úroveň detekce tkáňových struktur4. Přístroj byl navržen pro vynikající detekci rakoviny, personalizovanou péči a vysokou efektivitu nákladů.

  • Navržený pro vynikající detekci rakoviny1,2: realizujte plný potenciál tomosyntézy s 50°.

  • Navržený pro personalizovanou péči: přijměte jedinečnost každé ženy.

  • Navržený pro efektivitu nákladů: zažijte efektivitu na každém kroku.
mammomat revelation

FFDM (vlevo), Insight 2D (vpravo)

Náš syntetický mamogram Insight 2D nabízí snímky prsů, které vypadají jako snímky z plně digitalizované mamografie (FFDM)5. To vám umožňuje provést rychlé porovnání6 a snadnou evaluaci hustoty prsní tkáně7, aniž byste museli provádět další 2D vyšetření. Insight 2D usnadňuje přesun z FFDM na tomosyntézu, protože bere v potaz 2D náhled a čtecí návky radiologů.

Features & Benefits

With our 50° Wide-Angle Tomosynthesis, we provide a superior, highly accurate method for detecting cancers and facilitating a reliable diagnosis.This will result in a significant change for breast care professionals, for radiologists, and – most importantly – for the many women and their families personally affected by breast cancer. We stand for tomosynthesis that is accurate, patient-centric, and economic.

At Siemens Healthineers, we put accuracy first. With the highest number of 25 projections our 50° Wide-Angle Tomosynthesis helps gain deeper insights, enabling more accurate1,2 and earlier detection. Only with 50° Wide-Angle Tomosynthesis can you achieve the highest mass detectability4 and a depth resolution that is 3.5 times higher than with a narrow angle3.

Move the slider to the left or right to see the objects from several different angles. Experience how a wider angle can provide you with more, valuable information in order to assess overlapping breast tissue and increase diagnostic certainty.

Patient anxiety and the growing need for personalized pathways are challenges in breast care. Every woman is different, and MAMMOMAT Revelation embraces their individual uniqueness. Personalized Soft Compression helps to reduce discomfort during the exam. While Insight Breast Density enables instant risk stratification and sound decision-making for the next steps – before the patient leaves. With relaxed and calm patients, it’s much easier to achieve high image quality and avoid rescans; this is supported by the calming MoodLight. While PRIME enables up to 30% less dose8, addressing a major concern of many women.

MAMMOMAT Revelation

    Experience efficiency in every step

    Whether providing screening or diagnostic services, efficiency and productivity are key to keep costs down and patient experience high.


    mammomat revelation

    Get additional diagnostic information fast with our Titanium Contrast Enhanced Mammography (TiCEM), a cost-effective alternative to MRI as an adjunct examination.

    mammomat revelation

    Visual classification of breast density can be challenging. With Insight BD, you can receive objective, volumetric classification supporting you in doing an instant risk stratification right at the acquisition workstation.

    mammomat revelation

    Profit from our unique 50° Wide-Angle technology that results in a target accuracy of +/- 1mm. Reduce biopsy procedure time thanks to easy one-click targeting and the integrated specimen scanner InSpect.

    Fleet Level Benefits

    High complexity in diagnostic imaging makes it challenging to run the radiology department efficiently. Siemens Healthineers helps you to reduce complexity by offering specific solutions across the entire X-ray portfolio which let you standardize, analyze and secure the imaging fleet. In this way, you can gain valuable Fleet Level Benefits: consistency, transparency and confidence. This results in improved outcomes, increased efficiency and greater staff and patient satisfaction.

    • Standardize for consistency
    • Analyze for transparency
    • Secure for confidence

    Clinical Use

    Technical Specifications

    Detector technology

    Amorphous Selenium (aSe)

    Detector size

    24 cm x 30 cm (9.5“ x 12“)

    X-ray tube anode material



    Anode-filter combinations: W/Rh, W/Ti

    Swivel range

    +180° to -180°, motorized, isocentric rotation with preselectable rotation angle
