Navigated dorsal stabilization of the spine (short)
Navigated dorsal stabilization of the spine (long)
Robotic 3D imaging for spinal fusion (short)
Robotic 3D imaging for spinal fusion (long)
Complete Trauma Solutions

Clinical webcast from the University of Ulm, Germany, about Spine-Type A and osteoporotic fractures by Professor Dr. Florian Gebhard and Prof. Dr. Thomas Blattert.
Click here to view the webcast (Copyright by AO Foundation, Switzerland)
White Papers
Customer Magazine
Scientific Talks and Publications
- Percutaneous pedicle screw implantation for refractory low back pain: from manual 2D to fully robotic intraoperative 2D/3D fluoroscopy.
(Raftopoulos et al., Adv Tech Stand Neurosurg, 2012) - The hybrid operating room. Home of high-end intraoperative imaging. (Article in German)
(Gebhard et al., Unfallchirurg, Feb 2012) - The interdisciplinary hybrid operation theatre: Current experience and future. (Article in German)
(Richter, Gebhard, Chirurg, Dec 2013)