Symbia Intevo™ Excel nabízí výhody hybridního SPECT/CT zobrazování za atraktivní cenu. Díky vysoce výkonnému CT s osvědčenou technologií SPECT vytváří Symbia Intevo Excel přesnou anatomickou lokalizaci a korekci útlumu potřebnou ke zvýšení diagnostické přesnosti. K dalším klinickým přínosům patří aplikace ke snížení radiační expozice pacientů a časově úsporné funkce, které zvyšují efektivitu. Díky tomu se tento inovativní systém dokonale hodí pro vaše moderní pracoviště.
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Symbia Intevo ExcelCenově dostupné výkonné SPECT/CT.
Features & Benefits

Better results for better outcomes
Symbia Intevo Excel combines HD detectors, an innovative bed design, AUTOFORM collimator technology, advanced iterative reconstruction algorithms, and diagnostic-quality CT to give you access to the industry’s highest2 SPECT/CT image quality—helping enhance your clinical capabilities and grow your referral base.

Minimum dose, maximum speed
Symbia Intevo Excel offers innovative imaging features like Flash 3D and CARE Dose4D where low-dose imaging can be achieved in both SPECT and CT while still preserving greater image detail and high performance.
With additional capabilities such as IQ•SPECT, you can also routinely perform cardiac exams with up to 75% improvement in lower injected dose or in as little as four minutes.2

Automated routine
Increasing patient demands and operation pressures are driving the need for efficiency. Productivity enhancements like Automatic Quality Control (AQC), which runs overnight to save up to an hour per day, and Automatic Collimator Changer (ACC) for one-click collimator exchange, are designed to boost your productivity.
Technical Specifications
Gantry |
Tunnel opening | 70 cm |
Tunnel length | 89 cm |
CT |
Generator power | 40 kW |
Tube voltage | 80, 110, 130 kv |
Crystal thickness | 3/8” or 5/8” |
Detector dimension (FOV) | 53.3 x 38.7 cm |
Energy range | 35-588 keV |
System sensitivity (LEHR at 10 cm) | 202 cpm/μCi |
Acquisition modes | Static, dynamic, gated, SPECT, gated SPECT, dynamic SPECT, whole-body, whole-body SPECT, SPECT/CT, xSPECT™ |