Moderation & Welcome
Aline Hambüchen, Forchheim, Germany / Siemens Healthineers
Advances in screening: Breast imaging techniques from different perspectives(Twin talks)
Abbreviated MRI for screening
Nariya Cho, Seoul, Korea / Radiologist
Susan P. Weinstein, Pennsylvania, USA / Radiologist for the patient’s perspective
DBT in screening: Approaches to reduce reading time
Chantal Van Ongeval, Leuven, Belgium / Radiologist
Ioannis Sechopoulos, Nijmegen, Netherlands / Medical Physicist
Ultrasound in follow-up: Non-invasive methods to differentiate malignant and benign lesions
Xiao Yun Xiao, Guangzhou, China / Radiologist
Michael Golatta, Heidelberg, Germany / Gynecologist