A 65-year-old female patient, with a known history of pleomorphic soft tissue carcinoma G3 at the proximal end of the right thigh, had undergone neo-adjuvant combined radio-chemotherapy, followed by resection and prosthetic replacement. A follow-up MRI showed a vague contrast enhancing mass lateral to the prosthesis. The image visualization however, was compromised by the metal artifacts. A CT-guided biopsy was requested for a histopathological diagnosis of scar versus recurrent tumor tissue.
CT-guided Biopsy Assisted by Iterative Metal Artifact Reduction
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The outcomes by Siemens Healthineers customers described herein are based on results that were achieved in the customer’s unique setting. Since there is no “typical” hospital and many variables exist (e.g., hospital size, case mix, level of IT adoption) there can be no guarantee that other customers will achieve the same results.