Biograph TrinionFuture-forward by design
Launch your future forward with a PET/CT that puts you confidently ahead of the curve and easily adapts to evolving clinical possibilities―Biograph Trinion™1 with myExam Companion™.
- One, high-performance platform that fully integrates best-in-class hardware and software2
- Air-cooled, digital LSO detector and ultra-fast time of flight (TOF)3
- A brand-new imaging experience for patients and users with AI-powered workflows
- Always the right fit with a compact footprint, no equipment room, and on-site scalability
- A sustainable investment

Next-generation PET/CT is here with Biograph Trinion.
Progress your PET/CT imaging with the speed and precision that results from one platform that fully integrates a best-in-class2 trio of PET, CT, and syngo.via software. Get the latest in diagnostic image quality, speed, and dose reduction with Biograph Trinion.
Expand clinical opportunities now and for the next-generation.
Biograph Trinion supports you in acquiring the information you need for confident decision-making—and delivers consistent, high-quality images for all PET applications and radiotracers, including oncology, cardiology, neurology, theranostics, and novel radiotracers for Alzheimer’s disease.
Biograph Trinion offers a faster, more fulfilling user experience.
Accelerate your workflow from start to finish: Automated quality control saves valuable time in the morning. AI-based features and myExam Companion automatically deliver fast, consistent results. myExam Satellite™ allows for simultaneous image reading, processing, and scanning.
Patients can choose a moodlight color to create a calming atmosphere.
Help ease anxiety by offering a streamlined, more personalized scan experience: The Scan&GO flexible workflow, with tablets and a convenient wireless remote control4, gives you more freedom to move about the room and stay focused on the patient. The patient moodlight and flared bore create a calming atmosphere. And the patient camera lets you closely observe your patient during the scan.
Biograph Trinion brings together everything you need in a compact, yet scalable system.
Scale the axial field of view: 18 cm, 24 cm, and ... in the same room 5
Biograph Trinion’s scalable axial field of view5 allows for onsite upgrades to keep you ahead of the curve. Easily scale your PET axial field of view to quickly boost your system’s performance and continue expanding patient access to new imaging opportunities.
Save at least 46% in power consumption 6
Biograph Trinion provides a sustainable investment from today onward, with economical installation and operational costs through its compact footprint, energy-efficient air-cooled design, and automated energy-saving features like smart powersave mode.
Explore the future-forward design of Biograph Trinion

Community imaging center once again leads the way with high-performance PET/CT
First users share their experience with Biograph Trinion in this Nuclear Medicine News & Stories article.
Biograph Trinion introduces a new imaging experience
From start to finish, Biograph Trinion's AI-based features and myExam Companion work for you by automating workflow steps for consistent, fast results and a more fulfilling user experience.
Technical Details
Air-cooled design
LSO-based digital detectors
Crystal size
4 x 4 x 20 mm
Ultra-fast TOF performance3
239 ps
Scalable axial field of view
18 cm, 24 cm, ...5
Effective sensitivity9
up to 128 cps/kBq10
Effective peak NEC rate (kcps)9
up to 1,270 kcps ≤ 25 kBq/cc10
CT slices
Tube current
up to 825 mA
Rotation times
up to 0.33 s6
Maximum power
75 kW (187 kW with SAFIRE)
Athlon™ X-ray tube
Tin Filter
Stellar detector