- Can I still meet the demands of constantly growing number of patients and procedures?
- Am I able to keep up-to-date with my current MRI to satisfy my referring physicians?
- Can I still improve my workflows and increase productivity?
- How much am I able to invest when reimbursements are dropping and costs need to be closely monitored?

BioMatrix Fit UpgradesTransforming your care delivery
Did you know that over one fifth of all MRI scanners in Europe are more than 10 years old? And nearly one third in the USA.1 Maybe your MRI is reaching a certain age as well. As you know MRI plays an increasingly important role in many clinical fields, e.g. for prostate cancer as first line triage test before biopsy.2,3 As a consequence, the number of patients that need an MRI scan is constantly growing. Plus, the important gatekeeper that send the patients to you are your referrers. They have high demand towards MRI results and your diagnostic services4 – and sometimes they have a choice from whom they get it. Beyond that as many others you might be facing severe staff shortages and high time pressure. Nevertheless, often you are asked to still improve your workflow and productivity.
When looking at your existing MRI system and all these challenges in mind, you might ask yourself: Is my current MR scanner still fit for the future? Watch the expert talk.