Introducing our newest 3T Fit upgrade for MAGNETOM Prisma
From oncological conditions to neurological disorders, MRI plays a key role in the clinical pathway of many patients. But despite the continuous medical and technological progress, there are still many diseases not fully understood and patients that physicians struggle to help.
That is why we keep pushing the boundaries of high-end 3T MRI to support clinicians and scientists in their mission to address these challenges and ultimately improve patient care. MAGNETOM Cima.X Fit is our upcoming newest 3T Fit upgrade for MAGNETOM Prisma systems that will provide deeper insights into the human body. Transforming patient care and science, it will feature Gemini Gradients with 2002 mT/m at 200 T/m/s for an unparalleled whole-body performance. With MAGNETOM Cima.X Fit you can make the difference.