Improving the Quality and Management of Your Point of Care Testing Environment

45  minutes


The point-of-care coordinator for all of Queensland, Australia, Cameron Martin of Queensland Health will present his findings and overview of the integration of one of the world's largest POCT networks using POC informatics. Cameron explains how he created a single, centralized, open, and vendor-neutral POC informatics environment that is scalable and cost-effective, while also conforming with ISO guidelines. Learn about the role of training and managing operators “by exception.”

  • Discover how, with innovation, it is possible to establish a functional, high-quality POC testing system.
  • Learn how disruptive changes can now extend pathology into new areas and new ways to improve your KPIs.
  • Understand how online training can help you better manage and train operators remotely, enabling you to manage operators’ access, precisely track training, and know which operators are current, and thereby allowing you to train by exception vs. blindly targeting everyone.

  • Nurses, physicians, and physicians’ assistants who cover point-of-care testing in their practices
  • Point-of-care coordinators and managers
  • Laboratory directors and personnel

Cameron Martin

Cameron Martin is the State-Wide Point of Care Coordinator for Pathology Queensland. He holds a BAppSc degree in medical technology and an MAppSc degree in medical laboratory science (haematology) from Queensland University of Technology and an MTM degree from Griffith University. He previously worked in haematology and immunology with the Mater Public Hospitals in Brisbane. He became interested in point-of-care testing in the early 2000s while, as a laboratory manager, trying to improve the after-hours pathology service at Caboolture Hospital. He became the State-Wide Point of Care Coordinator for Pathology Queensland in 2004.

Cameron is a past member of the AACB National Working Party on Point of Care Testing and the AACB Chest Pain Subgroup Working Party and is currently advisor for point-of-care testing to the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) in the USA and the National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council (NPAAC) in Australia. He is also a course advisor and regular guest lecturer at Queensland University of Technology. Cameron has spoken at state, national, and international conferences on point-of-care testing and published cited papers and texts related to POCT and Haematology.