Understand PET/CT Reimbursement

Increase Utilization
The PET/CT Imaging Center as Service Provider to their Clinical Partners
Secret to High-Volume PET•CT: Expanding Clinical Utilization in Sydney
Elevating SPECT to SPECT•CT Boosts Procedures and Referrals
White Papers
FDG PET/CT and Breast Cancer by Kristin Schmiedehausen, MD
FDG PET/CT and Cervical Cancer by Kristin Schmiedehausen, MD
NaF PET/CT in Prostate Cancer by Kristin Schmiedehuasen, MD
PET/CT and Lung Cancer by Partha Ghosh, MD and Dimitre Hristov, PhD

Minimum Dose

Customer Outcomes Around the World

Technical Advancements
HD•Chest: Full Lesion Detection. Every Patient. Every Day
Respiratory Motion No Challenge for HD•Chest: Full HD Lesion Detection for Every Patient, Every Day
On the Go with syngo.via
Path to Progress: Migrating from syngo MultiModality Workplace to syngo.via
IQ•SPECT: Canadian Hospital Benefits from Twice the Speed, Half the Dose
IQ•SPECT Boosts Throughput and Improves Accuracy of Cardiac Imaging at Halifax Health
Q&A: A Look at How Halifax Health is Increasing Throughput and Improving Patient Care with IQ•SPECT
Particle Acceleration Reaches the 9th Floor: High Marks from UPMC in Cyclotron Upgrade
White Papers