
A clinical image of the breast acquired with a mammocone. PD Dr. Dietrich Buttenberg used the resulting images of the Heidelberg study in the first mammography text book published in Germany.5

In 1913, the German surgeon Albert Salomon was the first to detect breast cancer using the then still novel technology of X-rays.1

The world’s first mammography of a patient was described by the surgeon Otto Kleinschmidt in “Die Klinik der Bösartigen Geschwulste" (Clinical assessment of malignant tumors) in 1927.2

In 1957, the first systematic study of breast radiography was performed at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, using a Siemens TRIDOROS 4 X-ray system equipped with mammocones.3

Mammocones were the first specialized breast x-ray equipment and were available in different sizes. The Siemens TRIDOROS 4 X-ray system was equipped with mammocones.4

A clinical image of the breast acquired with a mammocone. PD Dr. Dietrich Buttenberg used the resulting images of the Heidelberg study in the first mammography text book published in Germany.5

In 1913, the German surgeon Albert Salomon was the first to detect breast cancer using the then still novel technology of X-rays.1

The world’s first mammography of a patient was described by the surgeon Otto Kleinschmidt in “Die Klinik der Bösartigen Geschwulste" (Clinical assessment of malignant tumors) in 1927.2

In 1957, the first systematic study of breast radiography was performed at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, using a Siemens TRIDOROS 4 X-ray system equipped with mammocones.3

Mammocones were the first specialized breast x-ray equipment and were available in different sizes. The Siemens TRIDOROS 4 X-ray system was equipped with mammocones.4

A clinical image of the breast acquired with a mammocone. PD Dr. Dietrich Buttenberg used the resulting images of the Heidelberg study in the first mammography text book published in Germany.5
