Welcome to our workshop!

First Nordic MAGNETOM Scientific User Workshop21.-22.8.2024 in Turku, Finland

We would like to invite you to a workshop organized by Siemens Healthineers!

21.8.2024 and 22.8.2024 just before the ISMRM Nordic Chapter meeting

Turku, Finland

You will learn about new topics like Deep Resolve Boost and Open Recon.

After Open Recon info there will be hands-on coding session using for the purpose of this workshop is C++, matlab or python and you can try out the things you learned. 

  • Don’t worry, you can team up with your friend. Just bring your own laptop and the tools for OpenRecon development.
  • We will reach out to the registered participants with a list of required or recommended software packages. 
  • Think in advance what would like to do? A simple example would be inverting the image contrast or doing some zero filling for manipulating matrix size.

At the end we will try our codes on MRI scanner running a docker-container inside MARS (Measurement and reconstruction system).

21.8.2024 Wednesday

13.00-13.20 Welcome and short introduction to Collaborations – Henrik Jessen

13.20-14.00 Deep dive to Deep Resolve – Nicolas Behl

14.00-14.30 Experiences of Terra X – Daniel Papp

14.30-15.00 Coffee break

15.00-17.00 Introduction on OpenRecon and Hands-on – Tobias Würfl

17.00-18.30 Hands-on on the scanner SkyraFit VA61

Optional 19.00-21.00 Social event in form of a dinner. (Everyone covers their own food and drinks)

22.8.2024 Thursday

9.00-9.45 Accelerated imaging, protocol optimization – Neil Jerome

9.45-10.30 How to… Tips and tricks based on previous experience including IDEA and ICE – Frederik Testud

10.30-11.00 Coffee break

11.00-11.30 Relevant product news for researchers – Marko Pesola 

11.30-11.45 Summary and closing words – Henrik Jessen 

Event is hosted by Siemens Healthineers collaboration team in the Nordics and Baltics:
Henrik Jessen, Karen Kettless, Anders Rodell, Eero Kauppinen, Neil Jerome, Magnus Lömäng, Daniel Papp, and Frederik Testud

REGISTRATION has closed.
