The incidence rate of liver cancer will increase by 14.6% until 2025 in South-East Asia1

MRI plays an important role for the assessment of liver cancer

Hepato Cellular Carcinoma (HCC) with TWIST-VIBE<br />
Multiple arterial phases to evaluate Hepato Cellular Carcinoma (HCC) acquired with TWIST-VIBE.

Image courtesy of University Hospital Grosshadern, Munich, Germany.

Research on the liver cancer statistics done by World Cancer Research Fund International shows that Thailand and Vietnam are among the top 10 countries with the highest incidence rate of liver cancer, whereas Singapore and Philippines are among the top 25.2 The incidence rate in South-East Asia is expected to grow by 14.6% until 2025.1

Staging of oncological patients can be challenging as it affects treatment decisions. This is why, magnetic resonance (MR) imaging plays an important role in the evaluation of a wide range of benign and malignant focal hepatic lesions.3 MR imaging is recommended by guidelines of the American College of Radiology as the imaging test of choice for abdominal examinations.4

However, for an accurate diagnosis of hepatic lesions and their staging, precise contrast timing is critical.

TWIST-VIBE: Always the right contrast in dynamic liver imaging

TWIST-VIBE showing different perfusion phases

One of the main challenges when using contrast agent in a dynamic liver imaging is catching the right point of the arterial phase, which differs from patient to patient. If this point in time is missed, crucial information may go undetected. Our solution is TWIST-VIBE: it offers high temporal and spatial resolution for multi-arterial imaging.

Your benefits:

  • Robust and fast imaging with full 4D coverage
  • Excellent images to plan surgical interventions
  • Reliable images and greater detail for every exam
  • Time and cost savings
  • No need for rescans

​With our award-winning FREEZEit package – featuring TWIST-VIBE and StarVIBE – you will be able to take body imaging to the next level by overcoming contrast-agent timing issues and problems with motion. This will enable you to expand your MRI services in the field of body imaging​.

Frost & Sullivan recognizes FREEZEit with the Product Leadership Award for Innovative Techniques in Abdominal Imaging.


Prof. Dr. G&uuml;nther Schneider
Prof. Dr. Günther Schneider
Vice Chair Dept. of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Head of MRI
Saarland University Medical Center, Homburg, Germany

Webinar: Ultrafast Imaging of the Liver – FREEZEit and beyond
Date: January 28, 2021, Thursday
Time: 4.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. PHT

Prof. Dr. Schneider and his team at Saarland University Medical Center, Homburg, Germany are one of the first to use FREEZEit. Listen to their experiences and gain insights in how and when they use the new technology, as well as what kind of advantages it brings.


Case Study: CAIPIRINHA-Dixon-TWISTVIBE Imaging of Liver Metastasis

Case Study: CAIPIRINHA-Dixon-TWISTVIBE Imaging of Liver Metastasis
Wang Xuan; Xue Huadan; Liu Hui; An Jing; Dominik Nickel; Kiefer Berthold; Jin Zhengyu

CAIPIRINHA-Dixon-Twist-VIBE Sequence offers better illustration of arterial and portal venous features of lesions due to the multiple arterial and portal venous phases imaging capability. By combining these findings with features of hepatobiliary phases, the metastasis can be well described.

CAIPIRINHA-Dixon-TWIST (CDT) Volume-Interpolated Breath-Hold Examination (VIBE)

CAIPIRINHA-Dixon-TWIST (CDT) Volume-Interpolated Breath-Hold Examination (VIBE)
Henrik J. Michaely, MD, John N. Morelli, MD, Johannes Budjan, MD, Philipp Riffel, MD, Dominik Nickel, PhD, Randall Kroeker, PhD, Stefan O. Schoenberg, MD, and Ulrike I. Attenberger, MD

Using TWIST-VIBE may provide "up to 21% additional findings" due to the fact that lesions might enhance at substantially different time points depending on their vascularization.