za_Tasneem Daniels

Tasneem DanielsApplications Specialist

Tasneem Daniels is a strong advocate for generation equality and this women’s day she firmly believes that the country should be celebrating women of all cultural backgrounds.

The role of women has changed through the years but the central theme along all generations is strong, intelligent women that demand respect and recognition for their individual skills and talents as well as their contributions to the home and office.

Tasneem is a firm believer that women supporting women is the foundation of female empowerment. “It is very important for women to inspire, motivate and encourage one another. A strong woman brings positivity, fairness and has respect for others. Most importantly, she forgoes negativity and instead builds on relationships and works hard toward achieving a goal. Women should stand together in good and bad situations and to support one another.”

Tasneem lists being a Healthineer mom as one of her proudest achievements. “I am proud of being a working mom. Being a healthcare worker creates satisfaction knowing that you make a difference in the Healthcare environment. But most importantly I am so grateful that I am able to care for my own mother; women supporting women can happen in the boardroom or in your own home.”

Self-care is important for all upcoming leaders and Tasneem promotes taking physical and mental care of yourself. “Having a strong faith and waking up in morning to have another chance to share knowledge and do good in the community are some of the things that bring me joy and confidence.”

Tasneem’s advice to young women this women’s day is, “Lead by example, be honest and open. Have respect for one another and help others to achieve their goals. Importantly believe in yourself. Never give up on your goals and achievements; take setbacks as a learning curve. Work hard for goals and the results will be seen. Don’t be afraid to share knowledge and ideas and be willing to take the first step.”

<p>Tasneem Daniels</p>