za_Talitha Orlop

Talitha OrlopProduct Manager | Advanced Therapies

Talitha Orlop wears many hats: wife, mom, academic, Healthineer and while she adorns each of these with style and grace; she believes that balancing personal relationships, children, career and education is one of the challenges that women face today. “Traditionally women took care of the house and now we have added responsibilities if we want a career as well. Finding a balance is key.”

She finds empowerment in autonomy and independence. Being able to make decisions and take accountability is what makes her feel strong. Talitha lives by the mantra that knowledge is power and learning through trial and error, taking the leap (and the risk) is worth the reward. “When I look back at how far I have come just by stepping out of my comfort zone, that's when I feel confident.”

Talitha’s advice to young women starting out in their careers is: “You have to learn not to take things personally, be able to learn from your mistakes, self-reflect and stand up stronger each time, and stay humble. Don’t get comfortable, never stop growing. If you want to do something, just do it, don’t overthink it because you will find a list of reasons not to do something and don’t let anyone talk you out of it, surround yourself with people who build you up.”

Talitha is passionate about mentorship and strongly promotes that young leaders find a mentor whom they can learn from. She believes that the act of mentorship should come full circle and every woman should take an opportunity to mentor another. “

<p>Talitha Orlop</p>