[**] VERSANT HIV-1 RNA 1.5 Testi (kPCR)VERSANT kPCR Moleküler Sistem’de* kullanılmak üzere Yüksek Hassasiyetli HIV Viral Yük Testi

VERSANT HIV-1 RNA 1.5 Testi (kPCR)VERSANT kPCR Moleküler Sistem’de* kullanılmak üzere Yüksek Hassasiyetli HIV Viral Yük Testi

VERSANT® HIV-1 RNA 1.5 Testi (kPCR)* plazma örneklerinde insan immün yetmezlik virüsünün (HIV-1) kantitatif ölçümü için kullanılan in vitro nükleik asit amplifikasyon sistemidir. Bu test, VERSANT kPCR Moleküler Sistem * üzerinde uygulanıyor. Siemens’in nükleik asit ekstraksiyon teknolojisiyle birlikte kullanıldığında, enfekte bireylerde insan HIV-1 kantitasyonu için güvenilir ve hassas bir yöntem sunuyor.

  • Sıra dışı Test Performansı
  • Otomatik ve Esnek Teknoloji
  • Sağlam Test Tasarımı
  • Optimal Test Standardizasyonu

Özellikler ve Faydalar

  • Efficient and reproducible extraction, amplification, and detection of HIV-1 RNA
  • Up to 89 patient samples per run
  • Results in less than 6 hours

  • Excellent performance with quality extraction
  • Low limit of detection (LOD) with high accuracy
  • Good precision across a wide dynamic range
  • Compatible with a variety of subtypes and circulating recombinant forms

  • Primary-tube sampling supports a variety of tube types and sizes
  • Positive patient sample identification with bar-code ID for sample and results tracking
  • Up to 178 patient results per shift
  • 500 uL sample input volume

  • Enhanced sensitivity and specificity with BLACK HOLE QUENCHER**
  • Detects HIV-1 group M clades A–H, CRF, and group O
  • Targets highly conserved pol integrase gene with unique TAQMAN*** probes
  • Lower annealing temperature tolerates greater mismatch which leads to better subtype quantitation
  • Dual-primer and triple probe design to increase mismatch tolerance
  • Non-competitive internal control to monitor extraction and PCR efficiency
  • Amplicon contamination control with UNG

Assay Workflow

Teknik Detaylar

  • Calibration is performed during each run which provides quality results
  • Accurate calibration is achieved with efficient extraction of calibrator transcripts which are similar in size to HIV viral transcripts
  • Gold standard phosphate method is used to establish copies/mL
  • Referenced to the WHO HIV RNA 2nd International Standard (97/650) for IU/mL




37 copies/mL


99.7% with a 95% lower confidence limit of 99.3%

Dynamic Range

37 to 11,000,000 copies/mL


The maximum deviation from linearity at all levels of dynamic range within +/- 0.10 log copies/mL

Genotype Inclusivity

HIV-1 group M clades A–H, CRF, and group O




37 copies/mL


99.7% with a 95% lower confidence limit of 99.3%

Dynamic Range

37 to 11,000,000 copies/mL


The maximum deviation from linearity at all levels of dynamic range within +/- 0.10 log copies/mL

Genotype Inclusivity

HIV-1 group M clades A–H, CRF, and group O

VERSANT HIV-1 RNA 1.5 Assay for quantitative measurement of HIV RNA in fresh or frozen human plasma samples

Catalog Number Description


VERSANT® HIV-1 RN1.5 Assay (kPCR), IVDD, Box 1

(96 tests)


VERSANT® HIV-1 RNA 1.5 Assay (kPCR), IVDD, Box 2

(4 sets Calibrators and Controls)