RaySafe i3 Dose Monitoring System by Unfors
The RaySafe i3 package provides operators with personal, real-time information about scattered X-ray dose, thereby enabling continuous improvement of working procedures in X-ray environments.
Article numbers: 11362996 (RaySafe i3 Package 868,3 MHz), 11362997 (RaySafe i3 Package 918,3 MHz)
The high-resolution imaging of HDi™ HD IVUS provides good stent deployment and reduced procedure time. The ACIST HDi® HD IVUS system takes IVUS to the next level with high-definition 60 MHz IVUS imaging, touch panel interface and superfast pullback.
Article number: 11362980
OR Head Holder by NORAS
LUCY is an innovative neurosurgery solution that combines the functions of a head holder for secure fixation of the skull during interventions and an MR coil for intra-operative imaging.
The head holder is compatible with the established 8-Channel NORAS Head Coil setup. Besides tumor resections, „deep brain stimulations” (DBS) and minimally invasive pituitary surgery, the system also supports awake craniotomies.
Article number: 11363268, 11363267