Scientific presentations
EANM 2020 poster presentation
Simulation and first measurements on a prototype ultra-long FOV PET/CT scanner
(6:44 video)
Presented by: M. Conti, M. Aykac, H. Bal, B. Bendriem, D. Bharkhada, J. Cabello, L. Eriksson, V. Panin, H. Rothfuss, S. Siegel
SNMMI 2020 poster presentation
Design considerations for ultra-long axial FOV PET/CT scanner
(5:55 video)
Presented by: M. Conti, D. Bharkhada, J. Cabello, V. Panin, V. Viswanath, M.E. Daube-Witherspoon, J.S. Karp, B. Bendriem

SNMMI 2020 abstract
Simulation and first measurements on a prototype ultra-long FOV PET/CT scanner