When you count photons, you need partners you can count on
Throughout the 20 years of research and development in "photon-counting," it was not always clear that the work of the physicists and engineers would be successful and that a computed tomography system would ever come into being. Where did the confidence that this could succeed come from then?
German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier describes the German Future Award as an "award that inspires us with confidence." In particular, it means that "we do not have to let the major challenges of our time simply wash over us, but can shape them thanks to the findings of basic and cutting-edge research."
Sometimes it helps if someone who is not directly involved takes a fresh look at things.
Stefan Ulzheimer, PhD, Program Manager for photon-counting CT, Siemens Healthineers
People tell us: this doesn't work. And that is why farsightedness and stamina had to be greater than any doubts.
Björn Kreisler, PhD, Senior Key Expert for detectors, Siemens Healthineers
The day came when we were sure we would be able to build a marketable product.
Professor Thomas Flohr, PhD, Head of CT Concepts, Siemens Healthineers
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